We'll Huff and we'll puff and we'll blow your Post down. Scumbag projectionist fake news media are the real conspiracy theorists in this whole scenario. Sad. What a betrayal to the American people.
Don't listen to the negative scumbags.Your positivity IS appreciated.
Aside from battling in the sphere of ideas and shitting on shills, I always remember the real reason for the fight, and it is indeed Love.
Listen you miserable rat fuck, just because mommy and daddy didn't love you, doesn't mean you have to go around the world like a weak piece of rebeaten shit. Toughen up and stop taking your lack of proper parenting out on everyone else.
You think because I know how to Love makes me weak? Wrong. It makes me for more dangerous, because unlike (((you))), I know what the fuck I'm fighting for.
Also I am not on voat or redit you simplistic dipshit. You're outclassed here, move on.
Thank you.
If this is your meme, then I have a whole folder of a lot of your work saved.
That's what I figured, faggot. Change your bitch attitude. Then, MAYBE you'll get somebody to Love you, and then you can quit being a cunt your whole life. Imagine that shit? You can do it. You can change right now. Have a good day lil guy.