That was a very interesting trip through early December 2013. Here's the headlines through the filter of this anon.
The US workforce is getting smaller because of retirements and children. Proven lie. Look at the numbers
Nelson Mandela died. Links to his speeches. Mandela was a God. Why aren't you worshipping Mandela?
The Volcker Rule
Pics of CA Wildfires (perhaps foreshadowing?)
Support for PM Abe in JP is was down
Blue Butterfly is the Photo of the Year
Bitcoin Bitcoin Bitcoin
China is awful, so says Joe Biden
Bob Dylan sold a million dollar guitar
Facebook is gonna "push moar news".
"Confucianism is dead, be like Mandela, compromise moar"
Fed bosses countries around
Obama xfers inmates from GITMO to Algeria for persecution
MS13 extorts Canuck mayor with crack vid
"Poor people with less money keeps people poor," said Obama.
Perpetual brokeass, City of Detroit, bought a million dollar painting.
Science don't know shit. Millions of undiscovered species on Earth
Congress tentatively agrees to come on an agreement to spend more money. Maybe.
"Girls should just wrap up in a single piece of fabric for easier raping." says WSJ regarding the Indian (dot kind) garment known as a Sari.
We control your medical devices. AED? Bazinga!
Chinese people secretly enjoy pretending to be Californians.
Robots are doing "disease research" ie, "Discovering new ways to kill you, incessantly."
Killing people with Bird Flu seems to be working
Cost of college higher because of recession, or something
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