Anonymous ID: 107fee June 22, 2019, 8:25 a.m. No.6815591   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>This economy is a sham and we're being sold out. We lost two more years of our lives.


You are full of shit .. I worked 20 years and the steel foundry and 10 years in a iron foundry and FIVE of the companies I worked for CLOSED DOWN and moved either to mexico or overseas … where the FK were you crying for our families and jobs.. you bastards didn't care and now your crying FK U


West Allis reviews proposal to raze closed foundry


A closed West Allis foundry would be demolished and replaced with a light industrial development under a preliminary plan being reviewed by city officials.


Demolition contractor The MRD Group Inc., formerly known as Midwest Rail & Dismantling Inc., has the former Milwaukee Ductile Iron property under contract, said Bruce Rodgers, project sales manager.


The West Milwaukee firm is performing its due diligence on the 11-acre site, he said. The property is south of W. Mitchell St. and east of S. 68th St…. I worked at this plant for 10 years… Dirty FKers… this is in Milwaukee WI and happened in 2010

Anonymous ID: 107fee June 22, 2019, 8:37 a.m. No.6815742   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5753 >>5764 >>6003 >>6336 >>6572

CNN guest SHOCKED by video of black protesters SHUTTING DOWN Mayor Pete Buttigieg!


Big fans of little Mayor Pete were shocked and stunned to see him utterly speechless before black protesters who were angry about a cop shooting.


This CNN guest looks stunned and says he is shocked by the video!!

Anonymous ID: 107fee June 22, 2019, 8:41 a.m. No.6815795   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Yes Warmongers, Trump Does Have a 'Coherent Foreign Policy': It's Called 'the National Interest'


After it became known that President Trump had aborted a military response to Iran's downing of an American drone, neoconservatives, establishment conservatives and hawkish progressives (they apparently still exist) opened the attack on the 45th president. Earlier I already wrote about the supposedly 'conservative' criticism of Trump's decision. The main line of attack is that he is supposedly too soft on Iran.


There's another kind of criticism thrown at Trump nowadays, however. And that's this one

Anonymous ID: 107fee June 22, 2019, 8:43 a.m. No.6815820   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5904 >>5961 >>5993 >>6279

Mayors in multiple cities vow to support lawlessness


The White House announced yesterday that deportation orders would be executed on illegal alien individuals and families in multiple cities this weekend. (Why we’re tipping all of them off remains a mystery.) While I suppose it was sadly inevitable, this led to some immediate pushback from Democratic mayors in these urban population centers, along with some governors. The first I heard of it was when Chicago’s new mayor, who is battling a staggering murder rate in her city, had the police tweet out that she would be forbidding Chicago PD cooperation with ICE.

Anonymous ID: 107fee June 22, 2019, 8:50 a.m. No.6815908   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Was $25 million in American tax dollars allocated for a payoff to stir up religious turmoil and violence in Ukraine? Did Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko (unsuccessfully) attempt to divert most of it into his own pocket?

Anonymous ID: 107fee June 22, 2019, 8:54 a.m. No.6815944   🗄️.is 🔗kun


If memory serves These were used in Iraqi


High Powered Microwaves: The Non-Lethal Future of Warfare


As the global arms race drives on into the 21st century, many countries have turned their attention towards the research and development of Directed Energy Weapons. Directed Energy Weapons, or DEWs, are defined as any weapon that emits focused energy and can transfer said energy to inflict damage upon a target.DEWs are broken up into two distinct classifications—lasers and microwave weapons. Lasers, the more well-known of the DEWs, work by using a super-heated plasma projectile [Laser DEWs are based on high-energy lasers, which are a coherent beam of photons or massless particles of energy. They are not what are commonly referred to as plasma weapons, which work on the principle of firing a stream, pulse or toroid of plasma, which is a very hot excited state of matter.] that can inflict massive amounts of damage onto a target. Laser weapon systems can be currently found in limited numbers across all branches of the United States’ military. So far, even in their limited time on the battlefield, lasers have already proven themselves extremely effective and efficient.High Powered Microwaves (HPMs) are the other form of DEW. Where lasers are primarily used for destroying single targets at great distances, HPMs are primarily designed to be non-lethal and can effect a rather large area.