Anonymous ID: 3b3525 June 22, 2019, 8:22 a.m. No.6815550   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Chairman Xi has miscalculated the value of a denuclearized DPRK to the United States.


Previous to the Trump Administration, the DPRK could threaten the world in exchange for more favorable conditions.


Trump recognizes this dynamic and refuses to be held hostage to DPRK. In essence – “don’t threaten us, we’ll remove you from the map and you know we can (and will)!”


The miscalculation comes in that the DPRK does not represent an existential threat to the US (it never really has).


The Chinese trade imbalance and its exfiltration of US wealth in conjunction with forced US tech and IP transfer, for the purpose of countering the US status as sole world superpower, is what represents an actual existential threat to western civilization to China’s benefit.


The US will not exchange status-quo trade for a DPRK hostage release. If Xi expects this kind of a deal, then he has grossly miscalculated. Due to central planning shenanigans, any outcome other than status-quo is an existential threat to the Chinese current system of governance.


Trump holds all of the levers and controls the fulcrum.

Anonymous ID: 3b3525 June 22, 2019, 8:59 a.m. No.6816007   🗄️.is 🔗kun

My 3,000 miles away from DC goals.


  1. No concessions to China.

  2. Inform Apple and Intel on the DL, things aren’t improving.

  3. Get USMCA signed in Congress, ASAP.

  4. Get Ag deal signed with Japan, so we can compete or beat Canada and Australia (TPP). [Stability for markets, etc.]

  5. New tariffs on $300 Billion in Chinese goods? How much? 10%, 25%?

  6. Finalize remaining Japan trade deal.

  7. Tariff the EU? (German cars.)


Wildcard: what is the status on the India trade deal?


Are there any other trade deals, such as Taiwan, the Phillipines, Vietnam, that can be inked before we get serious with the EU? Thus giving corporations more choices and options.

Anonymous ID: 3b3525 June 22, 2019, 9:37 a.m. No.6816458   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Far-right terrorists pose ‘real threat in Germany,’ just like Islamists – interior minister


(((Far left and ANTIFA are so PEACEFUL, they deserve NOBEL PRIZE)))