Anonymous ID: ca8a76 June 22, 2019, 9:24 a.m. No.6816294   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6338


bear w me here..

i tink the real e jean carroll is ded..that may have been here in the pic. the real e jean carroll. inthis scenario potus is not lying, as he has never met whoever is impersonating her. my diggig isnt close to done, but much like CBF this womans life reads like some sort of DS storybook. win after win after win after win. beauty queen, advice guru, and rich too. puts down men for a living, and gives women a hard time about wanting advice regarding men. total fucking operative w an agenda. does not pass the smell test at all for me, however, doesn't mean (s)hes ded or a tranny. jut a gut instinct, ill post if I find anyting that backs up my ridiculous and retarded theory, kek

Anonymous ID: ca8a76 June 22, 2019, 9:43 a.m. No.6816516   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6537 >>6549


>oldest profession

>lonely men

>women think they are queens



ESTO VIR. sex work isn't good for men or women. promoting it doesn't make you some sort of misunderstood genius. it makes you look like you get bjs in the bathroom of a wafflehouse, retard. don't be that person