>Rhodes Scholar
We appreciate your effort so much.
Well, we are pretty deplorable. He's right about the virulent part, too.
Unfortunately, he's a perv with a lot of bad shit about to go on his rap sheet.
And you believe that shit?
My 8 tits post will now forever categorize boobies as animals. AWESOME.
>Not a concernshill or slide, just saying.
Not completely true, but the ones who do attempt are genetically damaged inbred sandwich meat substitute.
>If Iran is executing clowns, then clowns are not in control over there.
>Now think Beryllium pill get them every time
I think you mean 'Barium'. Beryllium would just give them cancer or Berylliosis and Berylliosis doesn't cause symptoms for around 5 years.
>Did he supply sauce?
No, Q supplied hints and the combined research of anons provided the sauce. 6.8M posts and counting, and that's just this board. It doesn't include 4chan, PG, voat, etc.
>Indeed they are.
I'm not gonna lie…I'm kinda bummed baker isn't including this counting lesson in the notables.
Baker, you're a square. just kidding - you're more than semioctagonal.
That really should say 'Blue Waffle'.
No worries. Hit that loser again. :)
>this is complete and utter BS
It is frustrating for you trying to slide this board when none of us are buying it, isn't it? That's why you should just use your time to read the Q drops instead and educate yourself. You'll find yourself looking for a new job in no time!
They're letting it go public. Yummy.
Phil and her heir.