Anonymous ID: 29a391 June 22, 2019, 8:27 p.m. No.6820590   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0956 >>1046 >>1101 >>1153

Putin bans Russian flights to Georgia

MOSCOW (AFP-Jiji) — Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree Friday banning Russian airlines from flying to Georgia, starting in July, after violent clashes in the neighboring country over a Moscow lawmaker speaking in Parliament in Tbilisi.


“From July 8, 2019, Russian airlines are temporarily banned from undertaking flights from the territory of the Russian Federation to the territory of Georgia,” said the decree published on the Kremlin website.


In Tbilisi, protesters took to the streets for a second day Friday calling for snap parliamentary polls and the ruling party’s oligarch leader to cede power following a police crackdown that left 240 people injured.


About 15,000 people gathered outside Parliament to express anger over the behind-the-scenes rule of Georgia’s richest man Bidzina Ivanishvili and his Georgian Dream party.


The demonstrations followed an uproar over a Russian lawmaker giving an address to Parliament from the speaker’s seat on Thursday — a hugely controversial move in an ex-Soviet country that fought a war with Russia in 2008.


Tensions between the two countries remain high after the conflict over the breakaway regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.


Protesters brandished placards reading “Stop the USSR” and “Don’t shoot at us — we are your children.”


The protests have morphed into a broader movement against the authorities, mainly Ivanishvili who is thought to control power in the Western-backed state.


According to the health ministry, at least 160 demonstrators and 80 police officers were injured Thursday when police fired rubber bullets and tear gas at the crowds. More than 300 people were arrested.


On Friday, the head of Georgia’s Parliament quit under pressure from demonstrators.


“Ivanishvili must go, his entire puppet government must go,” said Ana Ladaria, a 19-year-old student.


Another protester, Alexi Pataridze, accused Ivanishvili of being a pawn of Putin.


“He made his billions in Russia, he is controlled by Putin,” said the 47-year-old dentist. “Georgians want to get rid of him.”


The authorities said they would question prominent opposition leaders over their role in the protests.

Anonymous ID: 29a391 June 22, 2019, 9:18 p.m. No.6820843   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1046 >>1101 >>1153

How POTUS Outplayed Powell, And Here's What Happens During Next Week's Critical Trump-Xi Meeting

Last Wednesday's FOMC meeting, where Powell had a choice - lose the "patience" and end the rate hike cycle or stun the market risking a crash, and continue tightening financial conditions. Of course, as everyone knows by now, "Powell threw in the towel", capitulating to both the market and president Trump's relentless barrage and confirmed that a July rate cut is virtually assured, at least according to the market which now see greater than 100% odds of such an event.

pepe told you this weeks ago-and it started with the FOMC lowering the discount rate instead of prime.

The second catalyst is next week's G-20 summit in Osaka, Japan, where Trump will meet with China's president Xi and perhaps put an end to the trade war.


Goldman has created a "barometer" index tracking the probability of a trade resolution. It now stands at just 20%, or a one in five chance that the two superpowers will find an amicable resolution, and while this is up from 7% one month ago, it is down from 80% back in March.

they have bet that there won't be an outcome because a favorable outcome means the end of them

This in turn means that both sides will seek to kick the can and avoid the downside scenario portrayed by BofA which sees the S&P dropping to 2,750, propped up by the backstop of the newly-dovish Fed.

bank-speak for the longer this goes on the moar time we have.


As was extensively reported last week, Trump considered firing or demoting Powell at the start of the year; realizing he can't do so directly, he instead decided to pressure Powell to do his bidding in response to Trump's actions!

he has full authority to do this according to the FRB by-laws-that was put in to have a rule that they knew no sitting president would ever use-until POTUS arrived.

To be sure, by now Trump has certainly figured out that his strongest leverage over the Fed is by escalating the uncertainty in the trade and political arena, forcing the Fed to tip its cards and unveil its open-ended dovish policy which the market now expects will result in as many as 4 rate cuts in the next 12 months, setting up Trump nicely for the election, with the S&P at or near all time highs, even if the overall economy continues to deteriorate (it is, however, unclear how much longer markets will ignore the growing risk of a recession just because the Fed has promised to cut rates further).


As such, if Trump feels the need to extract more concession from Powell, all he needs to do is to make good in part or in whole on his $300BN in new Chinese tariffs, which will force the Fed to take on an even more dominant role to preserve the economic cycle by doing the only thing it knows how to do: push assets to new all time highs with even more dovish policies.

White House is now confident that the more it pushes China - in word or in deed - toward a full blown trade war, the more Powell will be forced to concede to Trump in the simmering feud between the executive and the money printing branches of US government. Which is why, even if Goldman is confident that a perpetuation of the status quo is the most likely outcome, traders may be wise to buy the occasional put: if Trump really wants the Fed to consider doing QE (or more).

go ahead and buy them on Goldmans rec'd-someone has to take the short side right?…sarc

the will not do QE because the don't have the money(even with a printing press)-they may announce it but can't see this habbening as it would bail them out of the very situation they put themselves in.


In the case of unresponsive Fed it is a recession, while in the case of an accommodative Fed it is the loss of central bank independence and potentially another round of trade wars and even more pressure on the Fed to cut rates with further markets addiction to stimulus and possibly higher inflation etc.


What is most surprising about all of the above, is how skillfully Trump played both China and the Fed to get his desired outcome: a continued belligerent stance with his superpower adversary even as Powell - who is hardly Trump's biggest fan - is forced to do everything in his power to protect Trump's back.

Anonymous ID: 29a391 June 22, 2019, 10:21 p.m. No.6821194   🗄️.is đź”—kun


get over yourself. We are not talking professionals in here. A table is a table no matter.

but please make moar a fool of yourself.

Play anyone, anywhere and I dont care what fucking color it is. of course that would be an excuse when the person loses.