Decrypting the Puzzle Palace
previously published in the July, 1992 issue of Communications of the ACM by John Perry Barlow
>I called Admirals Stansfield Turner and Bobby Ray Inman. Their Carter administration positions as, respectively, CIA and NSA Directors, had endowed them with considerable experience in such matters In addition, both are generally regarded to be somewhat more sensitive to the limits of democratic power than their successors. And their successors seemed unlikely to return my calls. My phone conversations with Turner and Inman were amiable enough, but they didn't ease my gathering sense that the NSA takes an active interest in areas beyond its authorized field of scrutiny. Turner started out by saying he was in no position to confirm or deny any suspicions about direct NSA-FBI cooperation on encryption. Still, he didn't think I was being irrational in raising the question. In fact, he genially encouraged me to investigate the matter further. He also said that while a
< sub rosa arrangement between the NSA and the Department of Justice to compromise domestic encryption would be "injudicious," he could think of no law, including FISA (which he helped design), which would prevent it.
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