Not a decode, possibly the start of one
Anons, just thinking about the BREAK pic with my morning cup of covfefe. Cue sounds a lot like “key” and a ball can be a stone. Moar on that in a minute.
The next thing I observed in the pic was the placement of the balls in the rack, specifically their number. Here is what I see, relating the color of the ball to its assigned number:
7 – 15
14 – 8 – 5
3 – 10 – 4 – 12
6 – 9 – 2 – 11 - 1
Can anybody make anything out of this? It’s definitely not a regulation rack by any recognized standards, so Imma work under the assumption it’s purposefully done that way.
Back to the keystone. What causes the BREAK? Doing something with the cue ball. If the cue ball is representative of the keystone, and the rack is their plans, it seems reasonable to extrapolate that the keystone is doing something (event or action) with something (the most obvious “something” would be the FISA and declass, but I am not sold on that).
Thoughts here?