Everyone needs to stop with the 5G fear mongering. You are forcing people to feed their fear energy to the black cube and inadvertently serving the cabal.
5G is worthless now. The cabal knows this. They are letting you do their dirty work and getting every last drop of free energy from the ignorant beings who live in constant fear of this.
The galactic badass Trojan Horse that is POTUS knew through his uncle (John G Trump- who got and passed down ALL of Nikolai Tesla’s research) that 5G could be NEUTRALIZED with a massive Tesla tower programmed to generate 432hz.
Luckily the cabal had built one for us! In North Korea! You know that weird looking hotel everyone claims is “bugged”? That was a super weapon built by the British Crown in order to protect their interests and push the world into submission through thought pattern manipulation onset by spinning electricity around the heavy metals in the brain.
Just like spinning a coil around mercury generates an artificial magnetic field- “this is your brain on BULLSHIT. “
Once we got control of the tower, we went for 666 5th Avenue LUCENT technologies. They NEVER thought she would LOSE! Trump took over 5G through Kushner and Pompeo and we now have access to EVERYTHING.
We have the source.
You finally have a leader that’s working for YOU.
One who told you about the deep state, fake news, space programs, time travel, weather manipulation, vaccines and secret technologies.
One who continues to fight for you with the full weight of the positive Galactic armies and multi Dimensional peacekeepers behind him.
We will not let you down.
The time to live without fear is now!
Don’t believe me? Tough shit! See for yourself.
Look up:
Q Group (NSA)
Admiral Mike Rogers (Secret meeting)
Q clearance
1017 Majestic Drive Lexington Kentucky
17th letter of the alphabet
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Unclassified and Classified Cyber Security Programs October 2017 (OUO)
IN Q TEL & Black Cube Creative Intelligence
Now look up
John G Trump + Julian Assange
John G Trump + Tesla
0010110 Tesla
The Majestic 12
Roswell incident
John Titor and the IBM5100
177th time brigade
Lighting strike trump tower 10:45
Trump tower gold room
PLVS ULTRA Trump (Mar a Lago)
Simpson’s predict future
Pleasure Paradise Trump
Biff Tannins Pleasure Paradise
Terminator series
Ashtar Command
Celestial phenomena 1561
Now look up
Cern + Mayan Calendar
Oct 28 2011 alt Mayan calendar
Dec 21 2012 main Mayan calendar
October 28 2017 Q anon appears
Dec 21 2017 executive order
Cern schedule for Dec 21 2012
Project Mayhem Code Tyler
Cern schedule 4/18/18
Voicemail 4/18/18
Fortnite 4/18/18
Southern tv broadcast 1977
YouTube user StopSwitchProxy
Project looking glass
Project Pegasus
Project Grill Flame
Project Gateway
For you religious folks:
John 1:7
Peter 1:7
Acts 1:7
Romans 1:7
Philippians 1:7
Ezekiel’s wheels
Job 9:9
Job 38:31
Ecclesiastes 1:9
Proverbs 25:21-2
Proverbs 8:1-36
Coincidences > > reveal w/o violating NAT SEC
Coincidences > > mathematically impossible to be 'FALSE'
Coincidences > > bypass 'installed' restrictions to prevent future legal attachments
Comms understood? (Romans) 5:5?