Anonymous ID: 17ecc7 June 23, 2019, 7:56 a.m. No.6822936   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2958


The decoded base64 string in the linked PGP message states

"Consensus Omnium" and a string of numbers.

The base64 string starts with Q and ends with DAK.

The PGP message was created on 10/21/2016 in the early morning and posted to the blockchain on 10/23/2016.

That is a week after DAK, 10/16/2016, when there was major activity outside of the embassy holding JA.

The same day a "chemical weapon" scare at Heathrow Airport.

I believe the Consensus Omnium base64 string uses the string of numbers to generate the coded string to start with Q and and with DAK.

This means the rest of the information in that message is very important.

And the cleartext phrase "fools rush in where angels fear to tread..."

I believe fools = Anons

rush in = tip of the spear against the cabal, maybe meddling with the insurance files

Angels = white hats in the know afraid to do something on their own

So white hats wont act until a consensus omnium is achieved.

That consensus omnium ("the conesent of all") is started by anon fools who know no better.

The consensus omnium = the great awakening

consensus omnium = Q

Anonymous ID: 17ecc7 June 23, 2019, 8:13 a.m. No.6823043   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3067


DAK was a clairvoyant happening spam on the chans in the lead up to the 2016 election in October.

When it happened on 10/16/2016, the spam lead to a video of a partial birth abortion.

Many threads popped up at the time about police activity at the embassy holding JA.

It was widely believed that DAK was a distraction from the arrest/capture of wikileaks/JA.

It was dubbed "Day Assange Killed"

There's a lot of memes and explanations around if you dig 4pleb and, even clearnet.

Put shortly: it was the day anons believe assange was really arrested, or killed.

His DMS was believed to be something like: check in every Friday by midnight or the DMS will fire.

The next Friday he would be expected to check in to prevent the DMS release would be 10/21/2016.

If the message in the blockchain is correct, it generated the message on 10/21 and was posted to the blockchain on 10/23.

On 10/21 the worlds biggest dDoS on internet infrastructure occured. the bitcoin blockchain was also spammed, swelling the mempool dramatically

that would be essentially a DoS on the blockchain preventing transactions from being incorporated.

It eventually was on 10/23 (see OPS pgp message).

a week after DAK a pgp message was posted to the blockchain with a decoded message stating "consensus omnium" with the coded message starting with Q and ending with DAK.

Too much of a coincidence for me.

Anonymous ID: 17ecc7 June 23, 2019, 8:25 a.m. No.6823107   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3182


base64 encoded message.

When decoded from base64 the message reads:



CONSENSUS OMNIUM // 36414 814 814 44930 6 6 0000 0000


Consensus Omnium means something, but the numbers after are gibberish. they may mean something or they may not.

but when you look at the basse64 encoded string it starts with Q and ends with DAK. I don't know if that's intentional but only 6 5 days prior to 10/21/2016 there was a major psyop habbening now called DAK where there was major stuff happening around the world.

October Surprise?

This code being hardcoded into the btc blockchain and ending with DAK (and even starting with Q in hindsight) is quite the coincidence.

Anonymous ID: 17ecc7 June 23, 2019, 8:27 a.m. No.6823118   🗄️.is 🔗kun


pic related is the original DAK comic that drew a lot of attention 10/2016.

A lot of stuff happened there.

Pic related is a timeline showing best what happened after.

Anonymous ID: 17ecc7 June 23, 2019, 8:31 a.m. No.6823140   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3212


This anon knows whats up.


I am just speculating the the message in the blockchain is tied to DAK and assange.

It remains an unclaimed pgp message which is partially decrypted.

I believe the "consensus omnium" message was purposefully encoded in base64 to end in DAK (and maybe even start with Q).

The numbers after consensus omnium otherwise mean nothing.

If you're trying to find an encoded base64 string that ends with DAK and collides with Consensus Omnium, you would do so by brute-forcing numbers after your message.

It's a stretch but there's too many coincidences around that message. It keeps activating the almonds in muh brain.

Anonymous ID: 17ecc7 June 23, 2019, 8:34 a.m. No.6823156   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>clairvoyant happening spam


>not familiar with term

It was some sperge slide on the chans where someone was spamming DAK and gore.

It was claiming a big happening 10/16/2016.

A lot happened on that day and the weeks to follow.

Anonymous ID: 17ecc7 June 23, 2019, 8:44 a.m. No.6823205   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Attempt to decode the remaining parts of the message?

Continue to contribute to the great awakening? (Consensus omnium)

Dig into what happened at the end of 10/2016 with JA, his DMS, and the formation of Q

reread Q posts?