wearing air force gloves….
In mockery and imitation of God’s 12 tribes, Satan blessed 12 bloodlines. One of these bloodlines was
the Ishmaeli bloodline from which a special elite line developed alchemy, assassination techniques,
and other occult practices. One bloodline was Egyptian/Celtic/Druidic from which Druidism was
developed. One bloodline was in the orient and developed oriental magic. One lineage was from
Canaan and the Canaanites. It had the name Astarte, then Astorga, then Ashdor, and then Astor. The
tribe of Dan was used as a Judas Iscariot type seed. The royalty of the tribe of Dan have descended
down through history as a powefful Satanic bloodline. The 13th or final blood line was copied after
God’s royal lineage of Jesus. This was the Satanic House of David with their blood which they believe
is not only from the House of David but also from the lineage of Jesus, who they claim had a wife and
children. The 13th Satanic bloodline was instilled with the direct seed of Satan so that they would not
only carry Christ’s blood–but also the blood of his "brother" Lucifer.
the Council of 13 is a higher Council of 9, and an inner group of 3 is believed to head that Council of
Nine. How do we know about these things? The power of God has reached into the very heart of
Satan’s emplre and pulled out some of the most powerful Satanists and drawn them to Christ. There
are several Satanists that were at the top which have managed to find Christ. in addition, some of the
next echelon of the hierarchy, such as some of the Mothers of Darkness are also finding Christ. if
someone wants to understand how and why decisions are made in world affairs and by who– then
you need to study the illuminati.