Anonymous ID: 141941 June 23, 2019, 12:07 p.m. No.6824530   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4546 >>4597

FBI Was Giving Different Intelligence Briefings to Candidate Trump than to Candidate Clinton


The Democrats and liberal media insist that Russia wanted Trump to win over Crooked Hillary.

The entire premise is ridiculous. The Russians had enough dirt on Hillary to fill the White House.


The TRUTH is that the entire DC establishment including the Obama White House, the liberal media and the Obama Deep State wanted Hillary Clinton to win… and they worked tirelessly and illegitimately to make it happen.

And still failed.


On Sunday former prosecutory and Rep. Trey Gowdy joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures.


During their discussion Trey Gowdy told Maria that the deep state FBI was giving candidate Donald Trump different intel briefings than candidate Hillary Clinton.


Trey Gowdy: Here’s one, Maria, have you seen the disparate defensive briefings they gave candidate Clinton versus Candidate Trump? And has anyone asked the FBI to explain why they took entirely different tracks to those two debriefings? There’s a lot left to be seen by you and your viewers.

Anonymous ID: 141941 June 23, 2019, 12:09 p.m. No.6824538   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4618 >>4854 >>5093

Former Obama Organizer Busted For Child Porn Sues NYC For Back Pay


The former president of the Manhattan Young Democrats and giant pedophile Jacob Schwartz is suing New York City for pack pay, claiming that he was unfairly compensated for overtime.


Schwartz, 31, recently pleaded guilty to possessing a large trove of child porn on his laptop, according to Fox News. The former Department of Design and Construction employee was arrested in 2017 after police found over 3,000 images of child pornography and 89 videos. Some of the victims were as young as 6 months old.


Schwartz is demanding $18,000 - claiming that for the two years he was working for the city at $66,000 per year he was usually paid "comp time" instead of time and a half when working over 40 hours in a week.


For a time, Schwartz was a rising star in Democrat circles - rubbing elbows with and promoting Hillary's campaign manager Robby Mook. From a now-deleted biography of Schwartz from the Manhattan Young Democrats.


Jacob was born and raised in the heart of Greenwich Village, and was involved in political organizing from a young age. Some of his oldest memories are handing out leaflets for his father, as he campaigned for District Leader. More recently, he helped start the New Democratic Alliance in New York City, and, in 2012, worked for the Obama campaign as a Field Organizer in the Lehigh Valley.

Anonymous ID: 141941 June 23, 2019, 12:10 p.m. No.6824550   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4583 >>4608 >>4854 >>5093

Trump: If it was up to John Bolton we’d be fighting WHOLE WORLD at once


Donald Trump has confirmed that his top foreign policy adviser wants to embroil the US in multiple international conflicts. But the US president insists he retains final say on whether American missiles are to fly into Iran.


In a sit-down Meet the Press interview broadcast Sunday, host Chuck Todd asked Trump if he was “being pushed into military action against Iran” by his advisers – presumably pointing to the aggressive pronouncements from National Security Advisor John Bolton.


“I have two groups of people. I have doves and I have hawks,” replied Trump. “John Bolton is absolutely a hawk. If it was up to him he'd take on the whole world at one time, okay?”

Anonymous ID: 141941 June 23, 2019, 12:11 p.m. No.6824556   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4571 >>4590

Rep. Nunes: FBI Withheld Info From Congress — DEMOCRATS AND MEDIA ARE POSSESSED INDIVIDUALS — Poisoning Americans with Russia Hoax


Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA), the ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, went on with Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures.


Rep. Nunes told Maria the FBI was hiding documents from Congress for two-and-a-half years. Nunes believes US Attorney John Durham will find out who in the FBI was hiding these documents from Congress that prove the Obama Department of Justice knew the Steele Dossier was a fraud when they used it to spy on the Trump campaign in early 2016.


Rep. Nunes also went off on the “possessed” Democrats.


Rep. Nunes: You have the Democrats in Washington DC, you have the media in DC are possessed individuals. And the sad part about it is they have a responsibility. They are poisoning and have been poisoning the minds of Americans, millions of Americans, for two-and-a-half years now. And the worst is, they’re not stopping!…


There were two parallel operations that were running at the same time that I believe started in late 2015 – early 2016. One, the FBI was running an investigation into the Trump campaign. Not in July 2016 as they said. They’re lying about that. It clearly started in 2015, early 2016. At the same time you had the Clinton Campaign and the Democratic Party running their bagmen, Fusion GPS, they’re both running an investigation on a parallel track… When did those tracks become one and the same? Were there people working for the FBI, and the Clinton Campaign and Fusion GPS?…


…It’s banana republic stuff. It’s things you only see in countries that we would never want to live in.

Anonymous ID: 141941 June 23, 2019, 12:12 p.m. No.6824562   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4854 >>5093

Acting DHS Chief 'Sabotaged' ICE Raids By Leaking Plan To Washington Post


Since the Washington Post spoiled the surprise and published a report about the Trump Administration's plan to arrest thousands of migrant families who have been denied asylum - prompting the administration to cancel the raids - many have probably been wondering why somebody inside would break President Trump's longstanding policy of not telegraphing your moves in advance.


Well, now that question appears to have been answered by the Washington Examiner: The acting head of DHS, Kevin McAleenan, reportedly leaked the details of the operation (he traveled alongside the WaPo reporter who broke the story earlier this week) in what sources described as a deliberate attempt to sabotage the raids.


According to several sources who spoke with the Examiner, McAleenan had opposed the raids for months. The acting DHS head, who has been credited with pushing the policy of sending more agents to Guatemala, is said to be more concerned with what Congressional Democrats and the 'Never Trumpers' think of his performance than most other members of the administration.


"I know he has not approved of this operation for months," one person familiar with those private conversations said during a phone call Saturday night. "The president wouldn’t leak that. ICE wouldn’t leak that. There’s only a few people involved in these discussions…the only one who could have shared the details of those operations were Kevin."


"That’s our belief," a second official said when asked if McAleenan was behind the leak. "The secretary was not supportive from day one."


The White House said it had called off the operation to allow more time for lawmakers to work on a plan to fix legal "loopholes" that have helped to entice migrants to come to the US. In reality, McAleenan successfully stymied the operation by exposing the broad strokes. McAleenan allegedly told WaPo that the mass roundups would take place in 10 cities, including Chicago, Miami and Houston. The mayor of Chicago ordered Chicago Police not to grant ICE access to its databases, and refuse to cooperate in any way with the raids.


One officials said that, by leaking the details of the raid, McAleenan might have been trying to "be the martyr" in the face of blowback against Trump's immigration policies. That is, he was trying to distance himself from the administration's decision making.


The third anonymous source quoted by the Examiner blasted McAleenan as a sucker for 'Never Trumpers' and 'liberals' and insisted the leak would "leave an un-erasable mark" on his time at the head of DHS.


A third official claimed McAleenan "cares more about what liberals and 'Never Trumpers' in Congress and the media think of him the achieving the express mission of his department."


"[T]his will leave an un-erasable mark on his tenure," the third official wrote in a text message Saturday evening.


Leaking the information would only have “benefitted one person” who had knowledge of the plan, according to the first person, who added there was “no doubt in my mind” McAleenan either told the Post himself or had a close comrade at DHS take care of it.


"His hands were dirty," that same official said.


ICE advised the administration to cancel the raids after the leaks not only because targets might have been tipped off by the news and fled wherever they had been staying, but because the leaks could put agents in danger.


"Leaking the locations and details to stop the operation from happening not only harmed operational integrity, but it put the safety and well-being of his own officers in jeopardy," the third official wrote.


"That’s law enforcement sensitive information. You just don’t reveal that," the second official said. "It gets people hyped up. It gets the NGOs activated, and then anyone wearing a jacket with the ICE name on it is really chastised. Cities are coming out saying, 'Here’s how you can protect yourself against it.'"


So the acting DHS head deliberately obstructed a massive immigration action because he was worried about what liberals might think. If this is accurate, we might see even more turmoil over at DHS…and Stephen Miller might have an easier time bringing the administration's immigration policy completely under his purview.

Anonymous ID: 141941 June 23, 2019, 12:14 p.m. No.6824573   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4854 >>5093

Netanyahu to Bolton: Any Palestine deal ‘must include’ Israeli presence in Jordan Valley


Benjamin Netanyahu, who on Sunday toured the West Bank with John Bolton, said he will listen to US peace proposals – but added that “any future agreement” with Palestine must guarantee an Israeli presence in the Jordan Valley.


Footage posted on Sunday showed Israel’s prime minister and the US national security adviser overlooking the Israeli-occupied area from an aircraft and on the ground, with Netanyahu seen giving Bolton an excursion.


Speaking English on camera standing next to Bolton, the PM rammed the message home that Israel will not be leaving the area under any deal, saying it ensures “the minimal strategic depth and strategic height for the defense of our country.”


Netanyahu was also adamant that the Israeli presence in the Jordan Valley “guarantees stability and security for the entire region,” and that the IDF leaving the occupied Palestinian lands would result in “war and terror.”


To those who say that for peace to be established, Israel has to leave the Jordan Valley, I say: That’s not going to bring peace. That’s going to bring war and terror – and we’ve been there. We don’t want to be there again.

Anonymous ID: 141941 June 23, 2019, 12:16 p.m. No.6824582   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4627 >>4674 >>4750 >>4854 >>5093

CBS News Analyst And Iran "War Mongering Maniac" Also Raytheon Board Member: Dore


How do you know the MSM is nothing more than the media wing of the military-industrial-complex? A Raytheon board member masquerading as an objective analyst is a good start.


On Friday, CBS News analyst and retired Navy Admiral James Winnefeld Jr. slammed President Trump for calling off retaliatory strikes on Iran over a downed US drone, while insisting we must strike Iran or else the United States will "lose a lot of credibility.


Trump called off the planned strikes Friday, tweeting that "we were cocked & loaded to retaliate last night on 3 different sights," only to learn that 150 people would die in the bombardments. According to the New York Times, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, National Security Advisor John Bolton and CIA Director Gina Haspel were predictably hot-to-trot on military action. Instead, Trump announced that "major additional sanctions" were coming Iran's way and would be unveiled on Monday.

Anonymous ID: 141941 June 23, 2019, 12:18 p.m. No.6824598   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4668 >>4772

ABC station in Texas promotes 9-year-old 'drag queen' for spreading 'message of love'


An ABC affiliate station in Houston ran a story, and shared it on Twitter, about a 9-year-old boy who is a "drag queen" and spreading a "message of love", and drew some attention for it on social media on Saturday.


The child, whose real first name is Keegan, performs as "Kween KeeKee" to "promote inclusiveness," according to the report.


"A third grade teacher asked her class what they wanted to be when they grow up, Keegan wrote in his memory book, 'gender creative,'" ABC reported. "Keegan says he can be himself when he's wearing a dress."


"He also has a message for anyone struggling with their identity," the ABC-13 anchor continued, offering no skepticism about the idea of a 9-year-old "struggling with identity."


The video includes the third grader, in a dress and cape in his 9-year-old's bedroom for some reason, offering life advice about being "special" and being who you want to be.


The exploitative report ended on a particularly pointed note, both on air and online.


"Keegan usually goes by the pronouns 'he,' 'him' and 'his.' His family says Keegan has acceptance and support at a school in their conservative, Christian town outside Austin," the report says, to make sure there's no misunderstanding about in whose face the report is carefully shoved.


Online, at the end of the article, there is another video embedded featuring a ten-year-old "drag kid" helping a reporter with her makeup for a Pride Parade. It then includes a link to a story about another "drag" 10 year old who faced threats after media attention.

Anonymous ID: 141941 June 23, 2019, 12:21 p.m. No.6824613   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Christian Persecution 2019 a Scourge of ‘Mammoth Proportions’


June 2019 is an “especially menacing time” for Christians both on the domestic and international fronts, writes Christian persecution expert John L. Allen in a report Sunday.


The U.S. Catholic Church is facing “one of the most serious potential violations of religious freedom in its history in the form of SB 360 in California,” writes Allen, author of the 2013 bestseller The Global War on Christians: Dispatches from the Front Lines of Anti-Christian Persecution, since the bill would compel priests to reveal information learned while hearing confessions as evidence against possible sex offenders.


“The bill passed the California senate in late May by a 30-2 vote and is expected to be considered by the State Assembly in September,” Allen notes.


On the international scene, “the scope of anti-Christian hostility is staggering,” Allen continues, with the number of Christians facing “harassment, physical assault, arrest and imprisonment, torture, and even death” on a daily basis estimated at around 200 million.


Christians in North Korea, China, India, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, Nigeria and a host of other countries live under a constant threat of active persecution, as documented by Open Doors, a Christian persecution watchdog group.


Even in Latin America, the world’s largest “Catholic” region, the number of Catholic clergy and personnel killed each year frequently tops the list of continents.


While the defense of religious freedom should apply equally to all creeds, Allen asserts, anti-Christian persecution deserves particular focus “given the wall of silence that still too often surrounds the subject.”


“Just as one didn’t have to be Jewish to sympathize with the plight of dissident Jews in the Soviet Union, and didn’t have to be black to be outraged by apartheid in South Africa, similarly today one shouldn’t have to be Christian to recognize anti-Christian persecution as a human rights scourge of mammoth proportions,” Allen writes.


Saturday marked the beginning of the U.S. bishops’ yearly “Religious Freedom Week,” which runs this year from June 22-29.


The bishops have assigned a particular focus to each day of the campaign, urging the faithful to pray for their brothers and sisters who face persecution and to inform themselves as to the depth and breadth of the problem:


Saturday: Sts. Thomas More and John Fisher, martyred under King Henry VIII


Sunday: Middle East Christians


Monday: Faithful Public Servants


Tuesday: Persecution of the Rohingya


Wednesday: Foster Care and Adoption


Thursday: Persecution of Christians in Nigeria


Friday: Religion: A Public Good


Saturday: Religious Freedom for Incarcerated Persons

Anonymous ID: 141941 June 23, 2019, 12:23 p.m. No.6824626   🗄️.is 🔗kun

As War Drums Beat for Iran, Remember, Lies And Propaganda Started Nearly Every War In US History


As the media and government continue to push for an all out war with Iran, remember that these same people have been caught repeatedly lying to start nearly every war in US history.


War is one of the most primitive and senseless manifestations of the human experience, so naturally, most sane people with families, ambitions and kind hearts want nothing to do with such things. Unfortunately, as we are seeing with the Iran escalation, governments thrive on war, as it gives them a pressing excuse to grab more power and take extrajudicial measures—both at home and abroad.


To get around the obstacle of public opinion, governments have an extensive history of lying their way into war. This is hard to believe for people who think that government has their best interest in mind, but it is something that rulers have been doing since the beginning of time. In the modern United States, people are led to believe that the establishment accidentally flounders its way into war with the good intentions of protecting the country from harm or liberating an ally in distress.


This strategy of deception was illustrated by the Nazi propagandist Herman Goering, who famously said:


“Of course the people don’t want war. Why should some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally, the common people don’t want war neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.”


Of course, the Nazi regime is notorious for their brutality and deceit, so this admission is not as stunning as it would be from an American general, but make no mistake that these are the types of thoughts that American generals and politicians have—they are just not brazen enough to say it out loud.



Anonymous ID: 141941 June 23, 2019, 12:26 p.m. No.6824643   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4854 >>5093

Salvini Directly Accuses Sea-Watch Migrant Ferry NGO of Human Trafficking


Italian populist interior minister Matteo Salvini is refusing to allow migrant ferry operator Sea-Watch from landing in Italy, accusing them directly of human trafficking.


The Sea Watch-3 vessel continues to remain off the coast of the Italian island of Lampedusa and despite repeatedly asking to be able to land in Italy with 43 migrants on board, Salvini has continued to refuse entry, Il Giornale reports.


Salvini directly replied to the German-based NGO on Italian radio, saying, “Sea Watch does trafficking in human beings and doesn’t care about the rules,” adding that he would never permit the ship to land in Italy with migrants no matter the day.


Giorgia Linardi, a spokeswoman for the NGO, reacted to the populist party leader’s comments by complaining that Salvini’s recently passed migration and security decree prevents the “sacrosanct right” for their captain to dock at the port.


“A rescue in itself is an exceptional event,” she claimed, and added that it “would normally give all the rights to the master of the ship to enter the port, indeed it would be a duty of the authorities to assist him. This element demonstrates the injustice of the Salvini decree.”


The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) have both called on European nations to take in the 43 migrants, arguing that they should not be returned to Libya.


“Someone open the ports to these people, they need immediate treatment, they must be able to file an asylum application,” UNHCR spokeswoman Carlotta Sami demanded.


Why safe ports in nearby African countries such as Tunisia are unsuitable was not made clear.


The accusations of human trafficking from Salvini come as Sea-Watch captain Pia Klemp faces a possible sentence of up to 20 years after being accused of aiding illegal migration

Anonymous ID: 141941 June 23, 2019, 12:29 p.m. No.6824670   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4678 >>4754

Day Zero: India’s 6th Largest City Runs Out of Water


India’s sixth-largest city is facing a water crisis as its four main reservoirs are completely dry. Residents are standing in long lines to get water from the government, and many restaurants and hotels have closed.

Anonymous ID: 141941 June 23, 2019, 12:32 p.m. No.6824682   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4691 >>4699 >>4711 >>4763 >>4854 >>4899 >>4901 >>4965 >>5093

THIS IS CRIMINAL! Rep. Ocasio-Cortez Calls on Supporters to Report ICE Sightings, Harbor Illegal Aliens in their Homes!


Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez made headlines this week when she compared ICE holding centers for illegal aliens to ‘concentration camps’ like those in Nazi Germany.


AOC later said she will NEVER apologize for her offensive and ignorant remarks.

Today’s Democrat Party is OPEN BORDER — They DO NOT Support a secure border and believe ALL ILLEGAL MIGRANTS should be allowed to rome freely in America — and get free healthcare!

As President Trump explained earlier today, these are criminal illegals who have been through the process and ordered back to their country — “The people that Ice will apprehend have already been ordered to be deported. This means that they have run from the law and run from the courts… They broke the law by coming into the country, & now by staying.”


On Saturday Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez called on her supporters to report ICE sightings and to harbor illegal alien criminals in their homes!

Anonymous ID: 141941 June 23, 2019, 12:34 p.m. No.6824693   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4713 >>4728 >>4738

FBI Raids Clinton Campaign Co-Chair’s Home


This is a pretty big deal. This guy is close to the Clintons and the longest serving DC council member. Currently under grand jury investigation for pay for play.

This is Friday’s news so forgive me if already posted.


FBI raids home of DC Council member as part of federal grand jury investigation


FBI agents raided the home of D.C. councilman Jack Evans (D) on Friday, a day after a confidential memo made public alleged that Evans “knowingly” violated ethics rules to benefit his friends and clients instead of serving the interests of Washington’s transit agency, Metro…..

Anonymous ID: 141941 June 23, 2019, 12:36 p.m. No.6824706   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Antifa Plasters Posters Around Washington DC with Tucker Carlson’s Address as Warning — After Attacking His Home Last Year!


Back in November a far left Antifa mob swarmed Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s home and reportedly vandalized his property and car. TGP’s Cassandra Fairbanks reported on the Antifa attack. An anarchy symbol was spray painted on Carlson’s driveway. His oak door was also broken by the militant leftists. Carlson was not home at the time of the incident, but his wife was there alone. She hid in the pantry in fear as the mob banged on her door shouting threats.

Luckily, their four children were not at home.


Hours after the incident, DC Antifa groups published a document containing the home addresses of Tucker Carlson and his brother Buckley Carlson — along with the addresses of Ann Coulter, Daily Caller’s Neil Patel, and Sean Hannity.

On Facebook, Smash Racism DC later posted a call for more people to swarm the homes of right-wing pundits over their political beliefs. In a post titled “Fascists are vulnerable. Confront them at their homes!“, they wrote that “protecting ourselves and our communities means interfering with those who make a platform for hate.”


Now this…

The Washington DC Antifa terror group is threatening Tucker Carlson again.

The Antifa group is planning another operation at Tucker Carlson’s house and is posting his address on posters all over Washington DC.

Anonymous ID: 141941 June 23, 2019, 12:38 p.m. No.6824720   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4801 >>4892

Federally Funded Harvard Program Offers Humanized Mice Made With Aborted-Baby Parts for $800-$1,272


A federally funded program at Harvard University is offering “humanized mice” made with organs taken from aborted babies for prices ranging from $800 to $1,272, according to the fee schedule Harvard has published online.


This program, which has received $926,682 in grants from the National Institutes of Health over the past 5 years, creates a demand for tissue—including livers and thymuses–taken from aborted babies.


Its current grant of $168,320 was awarded for a one-year period that started on Aug. 1, 2018 and will end on July 31, 2019.


On May 15, asked NIH and the Department of Health and Services: “Will the NIH extend this grant beyond July 31, 2019? Or will NIH terminate this grant?”


On June 21, HHS indicated to that this program and another federally funded Harvard program that uses tissue from aborted babies to make humanized mice will not be immediately subject to the new policy announced by the administration earlier this month that requires “extramural” HHS-funded programs that use fetal tissue to undergo a new layer of review by an ethics advisory board.


“The grants you reference went through the competitive renewal cycle prior to the announcement of the new policy,” an HHS spokesperson told on Friday. followed up on that statement from HHS by asking: “Does the fact that they went through the competitive renewal cycle before HHS announced its new policy mean that Harvard’s Humanized Mouse Core must have its grant renewed for another year when it expires at the end of July and that the Core B: Animal and Laboratory Core must have its funding renewed when its current funding period ends at the end of March 2020? Can they be cancelled at the end of their current funding periods?”


“We cannot generally terminate a grant if it’s up for a non-competitive renewal in 2020,” HHS responded.


(On May 15, asked NIH, HHS and Harvard 21 questions about these NIH-funded programs at Harvard that make humanized mice using aborted baby parts. On May 23, sent NIH two follow-up questions on these programs. On May 24, sent Harvard 11 follow-up questions focusing on the second program at Harvard making the humanized mice. On June 7, sent NIH and HHS and Harvard 5 additional follow-up questions in light of the new policy on fetal tissue research that HHS announced on June 5. On June 21, sent HHS another follow-up question. To see the questions that asked and how the NIH, HHS and Harvard responded

Anonymous ID: 141941 June 23, 2019, 12:39 p.m. No.6824733   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4778 >>4854 >>5093

Bolton Is In Israel Conferring With Netanyahu How To Provoke US Attack On Iran


Bolton Is In Israel Conferring With Netanyahu How To Provoke US Attack On Iran


Paul Craig Roberts


As I posted on June 22 ( ), the world still faces the danger of an attack on Iran by Washington acting as an agent of Netanyahu. Israeli agent John Bolton is already in Israel conferring with Netanyahu. It is a safe bet that a more serious false flag attack is being planned that will force Trump to save face by attacking Iran.


If Israel and its neoconservative American agents succeed in setting the Middle East on fire, it will also be the fault of the Russian and Chinese leadership. The Russians and Chinese could stabilize the situation by announcing a NATO-type alliance with Iran and putting military forces in the country, and by informing the criminal Netanyahu that if war breaks out Israel is the first to go.


I am aware of the arguments that it is not Russia and China’s responsibility to protect Iran and save the world. The problem with this view is that if a conflagration breaks out, neither Russia nor China can escape its consequences. It would be far more intelligent for the two governments to take unified proactive measures than to be faced with having to react to a conflagration.


The US Congress long ago decided to evade responsibility by giving up its war authority, a decision that currently rests in the hands of Bolton and Netanyahu. The European politicians are Washington’s mindless puppets. The only chance for world leadership resides in the Russian and Chinese governments. Both should understand that their inaction is a form of deadly action.

Anonymous ID: 141941 June 23, 2019, 12:42 p.m. No.6824755   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Around 250 000 people in Prague in biggest protests since Velvet Revolution!


Hundreds of thousands are expected to demand the resignation of Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis in what will likely be the biggest public confrontation with the government since the 1989 Velvet Revolution.


The forthcoming protest follows a wave of massive street rallies across the country, following the recent appointment of a new justice minister at a time when prosecutors have to decide whether to indict Babis over alleged fraud involving European Union funds. – [link to (secure)]


Letna Park quite full:

Anonymous ID: 141941 June 23, 2019, 12:47 p.m. No.6824788   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4854 >>5093

Treasury Sanctions Members of Nicaraguan President’s Inner Circle


The Trump administration on June 21 sanctioned four senior officials of the Nicaraguan government in response to their roles in human rights violations, media censorship, the enactment of oppressive laws, and denying medical care to fellow citizens.


The Department of Treasury said the four officials are part of the inner circle of Nicaraguan socialist dictator Daniel Ortega.


The sanctions block the assets of National Assembly President Gustavo Porras, General Director of the Institute of Telecommunications and Postal Service (TELCOR) Orlando Castillo, Minister of Health Sonia Castro, and Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure Oscar Mojico. The affected assets are either based on U.S. soil or in possession of a U.S. citizen.


“The Government of Nicaragua continues to violate the human rights of the Nicaraguan people, implementing exploitive and violent laws and holding hundreds of people as political prisoners. The United States is sending an unequivocal message to President Ortega and his inner circle: we stand with the Nicaraguan people on their calls for reform and a return to democracy,” said Under Secretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Sigal Mandelker.


“We will not hesitate to take action against those who perpetuate oppression or prop up the Ortega regime at the expense of the Nicaraguan people.”


Porras, the National Assembly president, was targeted for his role in enacting a law that pardoned the police officers who killed hundreds of protesters during a violent crackdown last year. The same law also pardoned the surviving protesters, but only if they vowed to never again take part in protests against Ortega’s regime.


Protests broke out last year after Ortega announced social security reforms that increased taxes while reducing benefits. Ortega ordered a violent take-down, with police killing 26 people on the first day of the protests. The socialist dictator also shut down independent television channels that reported on the violence.


Castillo, the TELCOR director, was sanctioned for his role in silencing the independent TV channels. One of the channels, 100 Percent Noticias, remained off the air for an entire week. Months after the protests, government police beat at least seven journalists with batons, including one of the country’s best-known editors.

Anonymous ID: 141941 June 23, 2019, 12:47 p.m. No.6824795   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Children of Philadelphia Have Been Attending Toxic Schools for Years. This Is a National Crisis


The children of Philadelphia are in dire need of our help. They are at the mercy of a man-made, ticking time bomb that is nearly inescapable. I’m talking about toxic schools.

Conditions in Philadelphia schools have needed a remedy for many years. Lead, asbestos, mold and other toxins are far too common in our aging school infrastructure, but folks have been vigilantly fighting for justice, proposing the necessary resources and means to make a difference.

One such school building, Cassidy Elementary, remains at the center of the conversation about toxic schools, largely due to the efforts of a heroic student, Chelsea Mungo.

Following my visit to Cassidy with other advocates in 2016, Chelsea and nearly three dozen of her schoolmates wrote various legislators, asking for change in their school. A fourth-grade student at the time, Chelsea wrote that going to school felt like going to prison. She also questioned why her skin color affected her ability to receive a quality education in a clean, safe facility.

The fight for environmental justice regained national attention a few years ago with the tragedy of the water in Flint, Mich. We know the story of Flint well. The fact that it remains unresolved and that Flint residents are still drinking bottled water is criminal and a national embarrassment.

As W. Kamau Bell said in the most recent episode of the United Shades of America on CNN: “This isn’t just a Philadelphia problem, it’s an America problem.”

This is a national crisis. Public school buildings in black, brown and poor communities are filled with lead paint, which was outlawed in 1978 because of its poisonous content. The American Society of Civil Engineers’ Infrastructure Report Card gives the nation’s 100,000 public school buildings a D-plus grade for their conditions.

Our children are overwhelmed by these toxic school buildings that state law mandates they attend. I say mandate because most states have a minimum requirement of the number of days children are to attend school. In Pennsylvania, it’s 180 days. Therefore, our students are required to attend school in toxic buildings, usually filled with lead, asbestos, or mold, and which are often rodent infested.

Think about the cruelty of that. The absurdity of that. The immorality of that.

After a year of raising hell with the spirit of Chelsea’s letter in hand, I announced $15.7 million in funding for an immediate cleanup and remediation in city schools, alongside Gov. Tom Wolf and Mayor Jim Kenney. That money paid for 59 projects at city schools and improved conditions for about 29,000 students. Cassidy, which has been referred to as the district’s worst building, will be demolished and a new building is set to open in 2021.

Anonymous ID: 141941 June 23, 2019, 12:51 p.m. No.6824823   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4837 >>4886 >>5108

Fairlife, Coca-Cola, hit with second wave of lawsuits over animal abuse allegations


High-protein milk brand Fairlife has been hit with a second wave of proposed class action lawsuits – one of which names JV partner Coca-Cola as a defendant - following the release of videos showing animal abuse at Fair Oaks Farms in northwest Indiana, its “flagship farm,” which used to supply some of its milk.

The cases were filed after non-profit animal welfare group Animal Recovery Mission released videos​​​ from an undercover investigation of Fair Oaks Farms showing animals being mistreated, which prompted Fairlife​​​ to suspend deliveries from the farm and step up audits at all of its other milk suppliers. Several retailers have also removed Fairlife from shelves.

The third complaint – filed in the Northern District of Georgia on June 13 - names Coca-Cola as a co-defendant, with plaintiff Eliana Salzhauer alleging that shoppers are paying over the odds for a brand that proactively touts its animal welfare credentials when in fact its cows “are the victims of horrendous animal abuse​.”

“The cruelty and suffering inflicted on the cows and calves at Fair Oaks Farms—the flagship farm for the Fairlife Products—was so significant that it has led to criminal charges being brought against three individuals​.”

Citing a statement​​ Coca-Cola issued on June 6 in which it unveiled plans to conduct “independent investigations of all fairlife’s dairy suppliers,” ​the complaint adds:

“Coca-Cola has, at all times relevant to this lawsuit, including to this day, maintained control over Fairlife—including regulating animal welfare.”​

It goes on to accuse Coca-Cola and Fairlife of of engaging in fraud, unjust enrichment, and violating state consumer protection laws in Florida (where the plaintiff lives) and Illinois (where Fairlife is based).

'A massive consumer fraud'

In a fourth complaint filed against Fairlife and founders Mike and Sue Mccloskey on June 17 in the Northern District of Indiana (where Fair Oaks Farms is based), plaintiffs Mohammad Sabeehullah and Nabil Khan accused them of "engaging in a massive consumer fraud involving the sale of milk products.​

“Defendants exploited consumer desire for dairy products originating from farms that ensure increased levels of animal well-being by making their representations a central premise in their labeling strategy. Defendants executed these actions while methodically mistreating their cows.”

Anonymous ID: 141941 June 23, 2019, 12:54 p.m. No.6824846   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Foxtrot, the movie that Israel doesn’t want you to see.

Anonymous ID: 141941 June 23, 2019, 12:59 p.m. No.6824878   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5093

Pentagon Pumps Millions Into German Universities for Research


German universities and research institutions have received $21.7 million in grants from the Pentagon since 2008, the German magazine Der Spiegel calculated after examining US budget data. According to the outlet, 260 such transfers have been registered with some of the universities repeatedly receiving financing from the US military. The support is mainly focused on technical and scientific disciplines.


Ludwig Maximilians University (LMU) in Munich is said to be the leading individual recipient, receiving nearly $3.7 million from the US Department of Defence since 2008 over 23 individual transfers. Additionally, it was the Bavarian university that was apparently paid the largest single grant when it received $1.72 million to finance a project, researching chemicals and possible replacements for an explosive called RDX, widely used in the military.


Other leading recipients are the Technichal University Darmstadt and RWTH Aachen, which has been given more than $1 million since 2008.


The outlet points to a contradiction with educational regulations, stating that universities should be committed to peaceful goals and fulfil their special responsibility for sustainable development, which some interpret as a clear requirement to reject military funding.


The corresponding clause was introduced in one German state, North Rhine-Westphalia, and remains in force despite discussions to abolish it. However, the data, studied by Der Spiegel, suggested that three universities there have been funded by the Pentagon since 2014: RWTH Aachen University, Ruhr University Bochum, and the University of Paderborn.


RWTH Aachen, when commenting on the matter expressed commitment to peaceful research and denied that it had conducted armaments research, saying its goal is to “be the academic foundation for sustainable solutions to respond to today’s and tomorrow’s civil challenges”.


As Der Spiegel concludes, the problem is that a lot of research can be used for both militarily and civilian purposes, ranging from communications technology to robots and software, so accepting the US Department of Defence’s funding is “a tightrope walk”.


The US military, in several project descriptions, notes unambiguously that it is interested in basic research, which is “related to the improvement of army programs and operations or has such a potential”. Other documents outline the objective of “maintaining technological superiority in the scientific fields relevant to the needs of the Air Force” as well as the goal of preventing “technological surprises for our nation”, meaning the US, and develop such surprises “for our opponents”.

Anonymous ID: 141941 June 23, 2019, 1 p.m. No.6824887   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4990

All Putin’s contacts at G20 summit to be focused on international crises - Kremlin


However president's press secetary Dmitry Peskov refused to say whether the Russian leader would have a meeting with Donald Trump


YUZHNO-SAKHALINSK, June 23. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin’s contacts with partners at the upcoming Group of Twenty summit in Osaka will focus on efforts to settle international crises, Putin’s press secetary Dmitry Peskov said on Sunday.


"I have no doubts that it will be in focus of the president’s all contacts that are now being planned and arranged," he said in an interview with the "Moscow. Kremlin. Putin" program on the Rossiya-1 television channel.


However he refused to say whether Putin would have a meeting with his US counterpart, Donald Trump, while in Osaka. "Let us wait and see," he said.


The Group of Twenty summit will take place in Japan’s Osaka on June 28 through 29. Both Putin and Trump are expected to be present. Japan will take over presidency in the Group of Twenty for the first time.

Anonymous ID: 141941 June 23, 2019, 1:06 p.m. No.6824923   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5093

Abbas: Palestinians are not Kushner’s slaves


The PA ministry accused the US administration of denying the existence of the Palestinian people and dealing with them as a “group of people.”


The Palestinian people need an improved economy, but “before anything, there must be a political solution,” Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said on Sunday, warning that the US-led economic workshop in Bahrain would fail.


In a briefing with foreign press, Abbas said that for the United States to turn the whole process from a political issue to an economic one, “we will not accept this, and we will not attend Manama – and we do not encourage anyone to go. We are confident that the conference will not be successful.”

He said that he does not feel obligated to accept anything proposed by America.


“We will not accept America to be the sole peaceful mediator for the Middle East cause… We don’t trust the Americans alone,” Abbas continued. “We want Europe, Russia, the UN, [and] China, and we need Britain and Germany, as well. We will not be slaves or servants to [US special envoys] Jared Kushner, Jason Greenblatt or [US Ambassador to Israel] David Friedman. They are the ones making the judgment, and we will not accept this or let them say whatever they want.”


Abbas said that the PA is open to receiving help from Bahrain or any other place, but it is against what is taking place in Manama and the “Deal of the Century.”


Reacting to leaks of the plan that will be presented in Bahrain, Abbas pushed back at Greenblatt and Kushner’s allegations that the PA is corrupt. He said that he would challenge anyone to tell him that a “person in the PA is corrupt and we have not taken him to judiciary.”


Abbas also said that he is not afraid of the result of other Arab states attending the US-led Bahrain economic conference.


“There will not be normalization between the Arab states and Israel,” he said, noting that each Arab country has its own reason for attending the conference.


“There will not be normalization of relations with Israel before there is a solution between Israel and the Palestinians.”


Earlier in the day, Palestinian officials likewise stepped up their attacks on the economic portion of the US administration’s Middle East peace plan, calling it “Balfour Declaration No. 2” – referring to the 1917 public statement by the British government announcing support for the establishment of a “national home for the Jewish people” in Palestine.


Meanwhile, Palestinian factions called for launching three days of protests in the West Bank and Gaza Strip against the Bahrain conference, which is expected to be launched in Manama on Tuesday. The factions and Palestinian officials in Ramallah expressed disappointment over Jordan’s and Egypt’s decisions to participate in the conference despite Palestinian calls to boycott it.

Anonymous ID: 141941 June 23, 2019, 1:08 p.m. No.6824940   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Putin Explains Why He's So Polite When Western Elites Are So Rude to Him


When it comes to dealing with foreign leaders, Putin prefers to take the high road. Despite all the anti-Russian hysteria in the West, he has always remained diplomatic. Here he explains why:




- Everyone is being rude to us and you call them partners. Why are you so polite?


Vladimir Putin:


- I don't think I'm that polite. Even though I used to hang out on the streets a lot as a kid, I was still hanging out on the streets of Leningrad, St. Petersburg. The outside environment of St. Petersburg invokes certain harmony in a person. These aren't just mere words, it's true. The outside environment, the architecture of the city is very harmonious. It's bound to influence a person and shape their understanding of harmony. That's my first point.


Secondly, the Hermitage, the Russian Museum, the Bolshoi Drama Theater are all parts of the environment I grew up in. In addition, political culture is part of our general culture. And if somebody lacks it, it's their problem.


Thirdly, I represent Russia. Russia is a well-educated and highly civilized country. I must never forget that.


And fourthly, often when relations between countries reach the critical point, become complicated, and deteriorate, the last thing that could help restore the relations is the personal relations of the national leaders. In this case, you can never shut the door.


- Alexander Kuznetsov from Chelyabinsk asks…


- It's in the interests of our country and our people. This is another thing I must never forget.

Anonymous ID: 141941 June 23, 2019, 1:10 p.m. No.6824950   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5093

House Democrats Move to Subpoena Kellyanne Conway Over Hatch Act Violations


The Democrat-led House Oversight Committee will vote on Wednesday to subpoena President Trump’s counselor Kellyanne Conway for testimony in connection with her (non-existent) violations of the Hatch Act.


The House Oversight Committee plans to hold a hearing on Wednesday to discuss the violations, and had previously extended an invitation for Conway to voluntarily testify, reported Axios.


Democrat lawmakers no longer legislate. All they do is harass Trump and his associates and abuse their subpoena power.


A couple weeks ago the US Office of Special Counsel said in a report given to President Trump on Thursday that his counselor Kellyanne Conway has repeatedly violated the Hatch Act and recommended her removal from federal service.


The Hatch Act bars federal employees from engaging in political activity.


“The U.S. Office of Special Counsel (OSC) calls on President Donald J. Trump to remove Ms. Conway from her federal position immediately,” the agency wrote in a letter to the White House. “[K]ellyanne Conway violated the Hatch Act on numerous occasions by disparaging Democratic presidential candidates while speaking in her official capacity during television interviews and on social media,” the letter stated.


The OSC cited two separate television interviews in which Kellyanne Conway advocated for and against candidates in the 2017 Alabama special election for US Senate.


In May 2019 during a media interview, when asked about the Hatch Act, Kellyanne Conway said, “If you’re trying to silence me through the Hatch Act, it’s not going to work,” and “Let me know when the jail sentence starts.”


President Trump defended Kellyanne Conway and said she has a right to free speech.


In November this same US Office of Special Counsel found that six Trump staffers violated the Hatch Act for tweeting “MAGA.”


It is obvious we have a two-tiered justice system in this country; one for the Deep State and Democrats and one for Trump and his associates and supporters.


Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton said this is an abusive reading of the law. Meanwhile, Obama gang who used their offices, the FBI and DOJ to help Hillary Clinton attack Trump remain uninvestigated.