Anonymous ID: 2fd7ec June 23, 2019, 12:41 p.m. No.6824750   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4821



2nd look dig on Winnefeld (I incorrectly spelled Winnefield in prior post >>6824674) and found something spoopy…


Apparently he was CO of the USS Enterprise located in the Indian Ocean heading towards South Africa on 9/11/01. After seeing the news about the attacks on the towers - and without any direction from NCA - he ordered Enterprise to reverse course and was in range of Afghanistan by next morning. In the next 3 weeks after 10/7/01, Enterprise aircraft flew 700 missions over Afghanistan, dropping ordnance.


Also, he reportedly lost his kid to an opioid overdose…


Sauce is wiki, citing Sea Power Almanac 2002 and articles about Winnefeld.