>I know someone with epilepsy as a result of taking cipro.
big pharma soft kill eugenics
so many silenced
many commit suicide
from the torture
very sad
>I know someone with epilepsy as a result of taking cipro.
big pharma soft kill eugenics
so many silenced
many commit suicide
from the torture
very sad
> It does NOT cause epilepsy.
maybe not in name
the symptoms can be the same
do some research
or fuck off
> Interestingly, use of Cipro to treat cystitis has caused seizure in my own patients a couple times. For one it led to early diagnosis of a brain cancer.
guess that makes it ok then
sounds like a drug commercial
"rare side effects can occur…if you die, call doc"
all those affected are ignored and chastised to the point of no help and life totally ruined
and big pharma has total immunity as usual
one day docs are going to have to face the destruction they helped cause
many will commit suicide
that will be a glorious day
>The quinolone antibiotics have saved far more lives than they have ended.
>Some people died as a result of appendectomy, so i will keep my infected and bursted appendix, amirite?
>And thank you.
drugs or operation
normie reasoning
outta sight outta mind
cognitive dissonance
>"Wifi – a Thalidomide in the Making – Who Cares?" – a research report by Mr Barrie Trower,
don't worry
after 60 - 80 yrs
they'll say "ooopsss, sorry"
Sexual health on
U.S. apologizes for Guatemala STD experiments
Government researchers infected patients with syphilis, gonorrhea without their consent in the 1940s
>and who seeing this opposes termination of pregnancy?
damage the fetus with drugs so we can abort
lunatics indeed