Anonymous ID: a758c0 June 23, 2019, 11:47 a.m. No.6824384   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4686

So…the demonrats are getting all orgasmic about "slavery" reparations are they?


Well, I have some "reparations" that really matter and that can have a very positive effect on America and the world.


1913! The time of the greatest treason in American history. A demonrat house, demonrat senate and demonrat "president" turned 100's of millions of Americans into debt slaves to foreign and domestic globalist scum by committing treason, violating the American Constitution, allowing the setup of a foreign scumbag owned "central" bank and giving control over the American currency and economy to those globalist scum and lining demonrat pockets continuously as long as they never challenge the right of the globalist scum to keep Americans as debt slaves.


So the demonrats should now pay reparations to not only the ancestors of today's "never even been to Africa" African-Americans to the tune of many billions - directly from the demonrats own pockets - but also to every single American for the treason committed BY the demonrats. I can see that to be in the hundreds of billions. No problem, we'll just seize every penny in the bank accounts of every demonrat - after all, they are registered, just like the registered demonrats that 85% of American "journalists???" have registered as the cult to which they belong.


If there isn't enough money in the demonrat coffers and demonrat bank accounts we can just garnishee their wages until the retire and then seize their pensions to pay the reparations to ALL Americans damaged by the treason of the demonrats over the last 106 years!


And just as an aside…I presume the demonrats are expecting their "slave" reparations to come from American taxpayer dollars (since the demonrats NEVER want to use their own money since socialists always want to use other people's money). Well, aren't today's' African-Americans also taxpayers? Are the demonrats going to go through the tax rolls to make sure not even one penny of the tax dollars of even one African-American are being used to pay "reparations" to other African-Americans?


Look up insanity in the dictionary and I feel that soon all one will need to see is a photo of any group of demonrats or their sub-intellect wastes-of-oxygen cult-groupies.


And while we're at it, another aside:

Is pocahontas going to begin demanding reparations from every American living and dead to give to the ancestors/descendants of the millions of "First People" who were living on their land and who were subsequently murdered by the invaders? Will pocahontas pay extra? Will pocahontas receive a 1 in a couple thousand percentile reparation from herself?