Anonymous ID: c57722 June 23, 2019, 12:11 p.m. No.6824555   🗄️.is 🔗kun



President Trump (unlike both of his predecessors) has done an excellent job of avoiding war. This writer considers this his greatest achievement to date. The achievement is even more amazing considering how conflicts in Syria, North Korean, Iran, and Venezuela were all poised to escalate when Trump took office. More amazing still is that a good portion of the U.S. Government controlled by the Deep-State has been waging a covert civil war aimed at removing Trump and his ‘Alliance’ of patriots from power since before he even took office. And yet the peace remains. For those of us who are informed, responsible, patriotic Americans, here is a short list of the questions compiled for OSI:DI that one might consider asking in light of the current situation:



Why have the most recent attacks in the gulf region targeted oil tankers and not military vessels?


Why was the Japanese tanker Kokura Courageous attacked while Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was meeting with the Iranian regime? (Shinzo Abe’s mission to Iran ends in flames – Washington Post, June 14, 2019)


Was the June 14 piece in the Washington Post another “Company” op-ed/communique? [We strongly recommend reading the previous link in detail – OSI:DI]


Shinzo Abe was meeting the Iranian regime at the behest of President Trump and the Gulf Monarchies who were beginning to make diplomatic overtures to Iran. Was the attack a message from the Deep-State to all world leaders saying “if you attempt to stop our push for war in Iran, your oil supplies might meet a similar fate”?


Cui Bono? Who benefits from a regional war which would drag down Iran? Saudi Arabia? Not likely. The United States? Certainly not the Trump Administration. Israel? Well, Bibi Netanyahu is always calling for war with Iran, so why has his cabinet been instructed to keep their mouths shut this time? (Oman Attack: Why Israel Remains Mum as Accusations Against Iran Abound – Haaretz, June 16, 2019)

• Are we seeing the globalists lose their hold on the peasantry? If this was 2003, they might have had 100,000 troops dying on the road to Tehran by now


Do we remember the Maine? How about the Gulf of Tonkin? What about “Weapons of Mass Destruction”? How many people actually thought that WMD was anything other than a buzz-phrase for the war-propaganda psychological operation run out of Langley and Tel Aviv?