Anonymous ID: d988a5 June 23, 2019, 2:02 p.m. No.6825256   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5413 >>5695


John Bolton Flies to Israel to Apologize for Not Bombing Iran, Says He Will Do It Soon


You thought that headline was an exaggeration, didn’t you?


It’s not.


This is utterly insane.


Try to imagine a situation where an advisor to the president of any other country goes to another country to give a press conference with the second country’s leader and promises to use the military of his home country to start a war to forward the agenda of the foreign country.


Like, imagine an advisor to Shinzo Abe going to China and giving a press conference with Xi Jinping telling the Chinese that Japan is going to invade South Korea, and apologizing that they haven’t done it already.


John Bolton stood in front of an Israeli flag at a podium identifying him as an employee of the Prime Minister of Israel.


You couldn’t even satirize this.


Without a winking smiley or other blatant display of humor, it is utterly impossible to parody a Jewish shill in such a way that someone won’t mistake them for the genuine article.


This is so incomprehensibly bizarre that it is difficult to even wrap your head around.


On Friday, Tucker Carlson called for John Bolton to be fired.


He said, “there is nothing normal about John Bolton,” and I lol’d.


I don’t think Bolton is going to be fired. And I don’t think Trump is canceling the war in Iran. Tucker says that if Trump had gone through with the strike on Thursday, he would have lost the 2020 election. But he also admitted that a war is initially good for poll numbers. So what Trump can do is wait until closer to the election to start bombing Iran.


Furthermore, unless Bernie gets the nomination (sadly, Tulsi and Yang have no chance), the Democrat is also going to be pro-war, which means that Americans are going to be deciding who will do the war better, not whether or not we should be in a war.


In fact, if Trump started the war before the Democrat primaries, then it would be good for Bernie.


I hope that Bernie makes the fact that Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and all the rest of these people are war hawks central to his campaign strategy. Because I will endorse him over Trump, without question.


Trump has proven himself to be deranged and dangerous. Whether he is simply being manipulated by Jews – and I think this is the case – is totally irrelevant. Whatever is driving him, he is a lunatic who is going to start World War III because the Jews told him to do so.




>>“Neither Iran nor any other hostile actor should mistake U.S. prudence and discretion for weakness,” Bolton said. “No one has granted them a hunting license in the Middle East.”


>>He spoke in Jerusalem alongside Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Bolton said he is in the Middle East for previously scheduled meetings with Israeli and Russian security advisors. And he warned Iran that the U.S. remains a formidable adversary.


>>“Our military is rebuilt, new and ready to go,” Bolton said.

Anonymous ID: d988a5 June 23, 2019, 2:07 p.m. No.6825283   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5314 >>5359 >>5362





John Bolton Flies to Israel to Apologize for Not Bombing Iran, Says He Will Do It Soon


You thought that headline was an exaggeration, didn’t you?


It’s not.


This is utterly insane.


Try to imagine a situation where an advisor to the president of any other country goes to another country to give a press conference with the second country’s leader and promises to use the military of his home country to start a war to forward the agenda of the foreign country.


Like, imagine an advisor to Shinzo Abe going to China and giving a press conference with Xi Jinping telling the Chinese that Japan is going to invade South Korea, and apologizing that they haven’t done it already.


John Bolton stood in front of an Israeli flag at a podium identifying him as an employee of the Prime Minister of Israel.


You couldn’t even satirize this.


Without a winking smiley or other blatant display of humor, it is utterly impossible to parody a Jewish shill in such a way that someone won’t mistake them for the genuine article.


This is so incomprehensibly bizarre that it is difficult to even wrap your head around.


On Friday, Tucker Carlson called for John Bolton to be fired.


He said, “there is nothing normal about John Bolton,” and I lol’d.


I don’t think Bolton is going to be fired. And I don’t think Trump is canceling the war in Iran. Tucker says that if Trump had gone through with the strike on Thursday, he would have lost the 2020 election. But he also admitted that a war is initially good for poll numbers. So what Trump can do is wait until closer to the election to start bombing Iran.


Furthermore, unless Bernie gets the nomination (sadly, Tulsi and Yang have no chance), the Democrat is also going to be pro-war, which means that Americans are going to be deciding who will do the war better, not whether or not we should be in a war.


In fact, if Trump started the war before the Democrat primaries, then it would be good for Bernie.


I hope that Bernie makes the fact that Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and all the rest of these people are war hawks central to his campaign strategy. Because I will endorse him over Trump, without question.


Trump has proven himself to be deranged and dangerous. Whether he is simply being manipulated by Jews – and I think this is the case – is totally irrelevant. Whatever is driving him, he is a lunatic who is going to start World War III because the Jews told him to do so.




>>“Neither Iran nor any other hostile actor should mistake U.S. prudence and discretion for weakness,” Bolton said. “No one has granted them a hunting license in the Middle East.”


>>He spoke in Jerusalem alongside Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Bolton said he is in the Middle East for previously scheduled meetings with Israeli and Russian security advisors. And he warned Iran that the U.S. remains a formidable adversary.


>>“Our military is rebuilt, new and ready to go,” Bolton said.

Anonymous ID: d988a5 June 23, 2019, 2:18 p.m. No.6825347   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5355


Trump Calls Off ICE Raids Because Nancy Pelosi Told Him To


Aw, shucks.


I totally believed that Donald Trump was really going to round up millions of people and deport them this week.


Now I find out that he’s not going to do a thing he said he was going to do, and I am shocked beyond belief.


But I guess it’s understandable, because it was at the request of the Democrats.


If he does things that Democrats want him to do, maybe they’ll help him to do MAGA.

Yes, “stunning” is certainly the word I would use.


I stand positively stunned that Donald Trump didn’t do a thing he said he was going to do.


Yes, it certainly would have had a big effect.


If people know they can’t stay, they will stop coming.


Those lousy Democrats.


It’s just so frustrating that Nancy Pelosi is able to keep Trump from doing anything.


I wonder how she is able to stop him from doing things by telling him not to do things?


Is she using hypnosis, or does she have psychic powers?


I guess it could well be both. And I’m sure the deep state is involved. Probably the owner of Comet Ping Pong is in on it. I wouldn’t be surprised if Nancy Pelosi got psychic powers from doing satanic rituals in the basement of Comet.


Lousy, lousy, child-molesting, satanic Democrats.


Oh well.


I’m sure that next time Trump announces he’s going to deport millions of people, he’ll actually do it in real life.


The important thing is that we don’t stop believing and that we hold on to that feeling.


>>Daily Mail:


>>President Donald Trump has said that he is delaying planned enforcement actions by Immigration and Customs Enforcement to remove thousands of illegal immigrants who have court orders for deportation.


>>'At the request of Democrats, I have delayed the Illegal Immigration Removal Process (Deportation) for two weeks to see if the Democrats and Republicans can get together and work out a solution to the Asylum and Loophole problems at the Southern Border. If not, Deportations start!’ Trump said in a tweet on Saturday afternoon.


>>Enforcement raids had been scheduled to begin at dawn on Sunday in at least 10 major cities, drawing furious protests from local Democrat officials who vowed to fight the deportations.


>>Trump had been adamant that the raids would go forward as recently as Saturday morning, and his stunning reversal on the ICE raids comes amid a tumultuous week in which it was revealed that he pulled back on a planned strike against Iran at the last minute after learning the casualty projections.


>>House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Saturday pushed for Trump to halt the deportations, which she called ‘heartless’ and a ‘brutal action which will tear families apart and inject terror into our communities.’


>>In announcing the delay, Trump gave Congress an ultimatum to fix ‘loopholes’ in the asylum process, likely referring to the patchwork of legal restrictions which allow many Central Americans to cross the border illegally and quickly walk free if they arrive with a child.


>>Just hours earlier, Trump had been adamant that the enforcement action would move forward – even insisting that it would have a deterrent effect that would help the situation at the border, where illegal crossings have skyrocketed.


>>‘These are people that came into the country illegally – they’ve been served and gone through a process of the courts. They have to be removed from the country, and they will be removed from the country,’ Trump told reporters on the South Lawn of the White House on Saturday morning while departing for Camp David.


>>‘Everybody that came into the country illegally will be brought out of the country, very legally,’ he continued.


>>'Some cities are going to fight it, but if you notice they’re generally high crime cities. If you look at Chicago… many of those cities are sanctuary cities and they’re high-crime cities,’ Trump said, referring to vows from several Democratic mayors to fight the enforcement action.


>>Trump said the enforcement action would have ‘a very big effect on the border’ and deter further illegal immigration.

Anonymous ID: d988a5 June 23, 2019, 2:21 p.m. No.6825363   🗄️.is 🔗kun


NPR reporting on John Bolton physically being in Israel with quotes. The commentary can be my own for all you know. It doesn't change a fucking thing.

Anonymous ID: d988a5 June 23, 2019, 2:23 p.m. No.6825374   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5386 >>5392 >>5466


Trump Calls Off ICE Raids Because Nancy Pelosi Told Him To


Aw, shucks.


I totally believed that Donald Trump was really going to round up millions of people and deport them this week.


Now I find out that he’s not going to do a thing he said he was going to do, and I am shocked beyond belief.


But I guess it’s understandable, because it was at the request of the Democrats.


If he does things that Democrats want him to do, maybe they’ll help him to do MAGA.


Yes, “stunning” is certainly the word I would use.


I stand positively stunned that Donald Trump didn’t do a thing he said he was going to do.


Yes, it certainly would have had a big effect.


If people know they can’t stay, they will stop coming.


Those lousy Democrats.


It’s just so frustrating that Nancy Pelosi is able to keep Trump from doing anything.


I wonder how she is able to stop him from doing things by telling him not to do things?


Is she using hypnosis, or does she have psychic powers?


I guess it could well be both. And I’m sure the deep state is involved. Probably the owner of Comet Ping Pong is in on it. I wouldn’t be surprised if Nancy Pelosi got psychic powers from doing satanic rituals in the basement of Comet.


Lousy, lousy, child-molesting, satanic Democrats.


Oh well.


I’m sure that next time Trump announces he’s going to deport millions of people, he’ll actually do it in real life.


The important thing is that we don’t stop believing and that we hold on to that feeling.


>>Daily Mail:


>>President Donald Trump has said that he is delaying planned enforcement actions by Immigration and Customs Enforcement to remove thousands of illegal immigrants who have court orders for deportation.


>>'At the request of Democrats, I have delayed the Illegal Immigration Removal Process (Deportation) for two weeks to see if the Democrats and Republicans can get together and work out a solution to the Asylum and Loophole problems at the Southern Border. If not, Deportations start!’ Trump said in a tweet on Saturday afternoon.


>>Enforcement raids had been scheduled to begin at dawn on Sunday in at least 10 major cities, drawing furious protests from local Democrat officials who vowed to fight the deportations.


>>Trump had been adamant that the raids would go forward as recently as Saturday morning, and his stunning reversal on the ICE raids comes amid a tumultuous week in which it was revealed that he pulled back on a planned strike against Iran at the last minute after learning the casualty projections.


>>House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Saturday pushed for Trump to halt the deportations, which she called ‘heartless’ and a ‘brutal action which will tear families apart and inject terror into our communities.’


>>In announcing the delay, Trump gave Congress an ultimatum to fix ‘loopholes’ in the asylum process, likely referring to the patchwork of legal restrictions which allow many Central Americans to cross the border illegally and quickly walk free if they arrive with a child.


>>Just hours earlier, Trump had been adamant that the enforcement action would move forward – even insisting that it would have a deterrent effect that would help the situation at the border, where illegal crossings have skyrocketed.


>>‘These are people that came into the country illegally – they’ve been served and gone through a process of the courts. They have to be removed from the country, and they will be removed from the country,’ Trump told reporters on the South Lawn of the White House on Saturday morning while departing for Camp David.


>>‘Everybody that came into the country illegally will be brought out of the country, very legally,’ he continued.


>>'Some cities are going to fight it, but if you notice they’re generally high crime cities. If you look at Chicago… many of those cities are sanctuary cities and they’re high-crime cities,’ Trump said, referring to vows from several Democratic mayors to fight the enforcement action.


>>Trump said the enforcement action would have ‘a very big effect on the border’ and deter further illegal immigration.

Anonymous ID: d988a5 June 23, 2019, 2:40 p.m. No.6825482   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Big Tech Mass-Recruiting Execs from Israeli Military Intelligence


It’s been noted that many Big Tech execs are now of the brown-skinned persuasion. They come from countries and cultures with no tradition of free speech and no respect for it.


This is disturbing as we head into a future – if we’re not already in it – in which political battles will largely take place online.


But it gets worse.


Big Tech is now recruiting its execs directly from Israeli military intelligence.


In 2012, Jew billionaire Paul Singer started an outfit called “Start-Up Nation Central” (SUNC) whose goal was to strip America of tech jobs and relocate them to Israel, supposedly to help it combat the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement.


SUNC also promotes connections between the Israeli military’s Unit 8200 and American Big Tech. The Unit 8200 specializes in communications espionage.


This entire article at the leftist site MintPress News is worth reading. But here is the money shot.


Trump has made a big deal about American companies outsourcing jobs to foreign countries but has predictably said nothing about this. Singer is a top Republic donor so don’t expect much bleating from Blumpf any time soon. The Chosen get a special exemption from the rules that apply to everyone else.


Big Tech is downscaling in America, upscaling in Israel and recruiting key executives directly from a foreign espionage service.


Those executives will play a role in deciding what goyim are allowed to say in future online.


If you aren’t worried yet, you should be.


>>The connections between SUNC and Unit 8200 are troubling for more than a few reasons, one of which being that Unit 8200, often likened to the U.S.’ NSA, closely coordinates with Israel’s intelligence agency, the Mossad, and is responsible for 90 percent of the intelligence material obtained by the Israeli government, according to its former commander Yair Cohen. Cohen told Forbes in 2016, that “there isn’t a major operation, from the Mossad or any intelligence security agency, that 8200 is not involved in.” For obvious reasons, the fact that an organization founded by an American billionaire is actively promoting the presence of former military intelligence officers in foreign companies, specifically American companies, while also promoting the transfer of jobs and investment to that same country, is very troubling indeed.


>>Particularly troubling is the fact that, since SUNC’s founding, the number of former Unit 8200 members in top positions in American tech companies has skyrocketed. Based on a non-exhaustive analysis conducted by Mintpress of over 200 LinkedIn accounts of former Israeli military intelligence and intelligence officers in three major tech companies, numerous former Unit 8200 alumni were found to currently hold top managerial or executive positions in Microsoft, Google and Facebook.


>>At Microsoft, managers for at least 15 of the company’s products and programs — including Microsoft’s lead managers for engineering, product strategy, threat analytics and cloud business intelligence — publicly listed their affiliation with Unit 8200 on their LinkedIn accounts. In addition, the general manager of Microsoft’s Israeli Research and Development Center is also a former member of Unit 8200. In total, of the 200 accounts analyzed, 50 of them currently worked for Microsoft.


>>Similarly, at Google, 28 former Unit 8200 members at the company were identified from their LinkedIn accounts. Among them are Google’s Engineering Director, its strategic partner manager, two growth marketing leads, its lead technical manager, and six product and program managers, including Google’s manager for trust and safety search.


>>Facebook also has several Unit 8200 members in prominent positions, though fewer than Google and Microsoft. MintPress identified at least 13 Unit 8200 alumni working for Facebook, including its director of engineering, lead manager for express wi-fi, and technical program manager. Notably, Facebook has spent the last several years collaborating with Israel’s government to censor Israel’s critics.

Anonymous ID: d988a5 June 23, 2019, 2:42 p.m. No.6825490   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5519





Big Tech Mass-Recruiting Execs from Israeli Military Intelligence


It’s been noted that many Big Tech execs are now of the brown-skinned persuasion. They come from countries and cultures with no tradition of free speech and no respect for it.


This is disturbing as we head into a future – if we’re not already in it – in which political battles will largely take place online.


But it gets worse.


Big Tech is now recruiting its execs directly from Israeli military intelligence.


In 2012, Jew billionaire Paul Singer started an outfit called “Start-Up Nation Central” (SUNC) whose goal was to strip America of tech jobs and relocate them to Israel, supposedly to help it combat the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement.


SUNC also promotes connections between the Israeli military’s Unit 8200 and American Big Tech. The Unit 8200 specializes in communications espionage.


This entire article at the leftist site MintPress News is worth reading. But here is the money shot.


Trump has made a big deal about American companies outsourcing jobs to foreign countries but has predictably said nothing about this. Singer is a top Republic donor so don’t expect much bleating from Blumpf any time soon. The Chosen get a special exemption from the rules that apply to everyone else.


Big Tech is downscaling in America, upscaling in Israel and recruiting key executives directly from a foreign espionage service.


Those executives will play a role in deciding what goyim are allowed to say in future online.


If you aren’t worried yet, you should be.


>>The connections between SUNC and Unit 8200 are troubling for more than a few reasons, one of which being that Unit 8200, often likened to the U.S.’ NSA, closely coordinates with Israel’s intelligence agency, the Mossad, and is responsible for 90 percent of the intelligence material obtained by the Israeli government, according to its former commander Yair Cohen. Cohen told Forbes in 2016, that “there isn’t a major operation, from the Mossad or any intelligence security agency, that 8200 is not involved in.” For obvious reasons, the fact that an organization founded by an American billionaire is actively promoting the presence of former military intelligence officers in foreign companies, specifically American companies, while also promoting the transfer of jobs and investment to that same country, is very troubling indeed.


>>Particularly troubling is the fact that, since SUNC’s founding, the number of former Unit 8200 members in top positions in American tech companies has skyrocketed. Based on a non-exhaustive analysis conducted by Mintpress of over 200 LinkedIn accounts of former Israeli military intelligence and intelligence officers in three major tech companies, numerous former Unit 8200 alumni were found to currently hold top managerial or executive positions in Microsoft, Google and Facebook.


>>At Microsoft, managers for at least 15 of the company’s products and programs — including Microsoft’s lead managers for engineering, product strategy, threat analytics and cloud business intelligence — publicly listed their affiliation with Unit 8200 on their LinkedIn accounts. In addition, the general manager of Microsoft’s Israeli Research and Development Center is also a former member of Unit 8200. In total, of the 200 accounts analyzed, 50 of them currently worked for Microsoft.


>>Similarly, at Google, 28 former Unit 8200 members at the company were identified from their LinkedIn accounts. Among them are Google’s Engineering Director, its strategic partner manager, two growth marketing leads, its lead technical manager, and six product and program managers, including Google’s manager for trust and safety search.


>>Facebook also has several Unit 8200 members in prominent positions, though fewer than Google and Microsoft. MintPress identified at least 13 Unit 8200 alumni working for Facebook, including its director of engineering, lead manager for express wi-fi, and technical program manager. Notably, Facebook has spent the last several years collaborating with Israel’s government to censor Israel’s critics.

Anonymous ID: d988a5 June 23, 2019, 2:50 p.m. No.6825537   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5567






>Is anyone paying attention?


Sorry. I was just trying to read, process and comprehend all that. Don't feel bad. Not many people in here, yet.


>Literally the dude from the state department that was responsible for loading the planes with the $1.8B in CASH…




▶Anonymous (You) 06/23/19 (Sun) 17:23:21 d988a5 (7) No.6825374>>6825386 >>6825392 >>6825466


File (hide): 9b26b659888044c⋯.jpg (46.76 KB, 768x448, 12:7, nancy-pelosi-democratic-pa….jpg) (h) (u)


File (hide): 27f974b9ff06f03⋯.jpg (47.93 KB, 768x444, 64:37,….jpg) (h) (u)




Trump Calls Off ICE Raids Because Nancy Pelosi Told Him To


Aw, shucks.


I totally believed that Donald Trump was really going to round up millions of people and deport them this week.


Now I find out that he’s not going to do a thing he said he was going to do, and I am shocked beyond belief.


But I guess it’s understandable, because it was at the request of the Democrats.


If he does things that Democrats want him to do, maybe they’ll help him to do MAGA.


Yes, “stunning” is certainly the word I would use.


I stand positively stunned that Donald Trump didn’t do a thing he said he was going to do.


Yes, it certainly would have had a big effect.


If people know they can’t stay, they will stop coming.


Those lousy Democrats.


It’s just so frustrating that Nancy Pelosi is able to keep Trump from doing anything.


I wonder how she is able to stop him from doing things by telling him not to do things?


Is she using hypnosis, or does she have psychic powers?


I guess it could well be both. And I’m sure the deep state is involved. Probably the owner of Comet Ping Pong is in on it. I wouldn’t be surprised if Nancy Pelosi got psychic powers from doing satanic rituals in the basement of Comet.


Lousy, lousy, child-molesting, satanic Democrats.


Oh well.


I’m sure that next time Trump announces he’s going to deport millions of people, he’ll actually do it in real life.


The important thing is that we don’t stop believing and that we hold on to that feeling.


>>Daily Mail:


>>President Donald Trump has said that he is delaying planned enforcement actions by Immigration and Customs Enforcement to remove thousands of illegal immigrants who have court orders for deportation.


>>'At the request of Democrats, I have delayed the Illegal Immigration Removal Process (Deportation) for two weeks to see if the Democrats and Republicans can get together and work out a solution to the Asylum and Loophole problems at the Southern Border. If not, Deportations start!’ Trump said in a tweet on Saturday afternoon.


>>Enforcement raids had been scheduled to begin at dawn on Sunday in at least 10 major cities, drawing furious protests from local Democrat officials who vowed to fight the deportations.


>>Trump had been adamant that the raids would go forward as recently as Saturday morning, and his stunning reversal on the ICE raids comes amid a tumultuous week in which it was revealed that he pulled back on a planned strike against Iran at the last minute after learning the casualty projections.


>>House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Saturday pushed for Trump to halt the deportations, which she called ‘heartless’ and a ‘brutal action which will tear families apart and inject terror into our communities.’


>>In announcing the delay, Trump gave Congress an ultimatum to fix ‘loopholes’ in the asylum process, likely referring to the patchwork of legal restrictions which allow many Central Americans to cross the border illegally and quickly walk free if they arrive with a child.


>>Just hours earlier, Trump had been adamant that the enforcement action would move forward – even insisting that it would have a deterrent effect that would help the situation at the border, where illegal crossings have skyrocketed.


>>‘These are people that came into the country illegally – they’ve been served and gone through a process of the courts. They have to be removed from the country, and they will be removed from the country,’ Trump told reporters on the South Lawn of the White House on Saturday morning while departing for Camp David.


>>‘Everybody that came into the country illegally will be brought out of the country, very legally,’ he continued.


>>'Some cities are going to fight it, but if you notice they’re generally high crime cities. If you look at Chicago… many of those cities are sanctuary cities and they’re high-crime cities,’ Trump said, referring to vows from several Democratic mayors to fight the enforcement action.


>>Trump said the enforcement action would have ‘a very big effect on the border’ and deter further illegal immigration.

Anonymous ID: d988a5 June 23, 2019, 3:12 p.m. No.6825665   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5704


Todd was born on April 8, 1972,[1] in Miami, Florida, the son of Lois Cheri (née Bernstein) and Stephen Randolph Todd.[2] He is Jewish on his mother's side, and was raised Jewish.

Anonymous ID: d988a5 June 23, 2019, 3:40 p.m. No.6825816   🗄️.is 🔗kun

So the media lies about….














What are they in unervisal agreement on? What could that list of things consist of?







Anonymous ID: d988a5 June 23, 2019, 3:50 p.m. No.6825858   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>“No we’ve become the church lady as person below says. It’s embarrassing. We’re offended by comedy and science. It’s pathetic,” tweeted Lennon.












Just a mad leftist faggot.