Right to be pissed, but important to remember the REAL undercurrent to ALL of this we’re going here is “CRITICAL THINKING”.
People have been force fed what to think their entire lives. The good news for us is that “The Plan”, “Great Awakening” whatever you want to call it, ALREADY HAPPENED.
“Up is down and left is right”. Humanity has done a complete 180 across the board. The only holdouts are the 5-10%, and those who are terrified. We are safe.
One thing that’s fascinated me from the beginning was the PACE. Or tempo? Cadence?
Anyways, it’s palpable. But more importantly, it’s ACCELERATING.
Nobody becomes un-red-pilled. As the attacks intensify (and become moar desperate), it becomes easier to spot and zero-in on their motivations.
Who’s after Iran?
Then what?
World _.