they have pro's that can do this sorta thing. Why would they ask here? It's a setup of some sorts
they have pro's that can do this sorta thing. Why would they ask here? It's a setup of some sorts
No, please do not. They have professionals that can do better work than any of us here. This is 100% some kind of setup
yeah, no.........
It's called witness tampering and it is illegal. Have fun with years in prison
He needs to be in prison, but he gets to testify before. We have a rule of law for now. I want him behind bars for essentially the rest of his life, but we do it proper here.
Mathematicians who are married to their work.
Because this is bigger than him. This place is better than that.
I'm here because i love this country. We have a rule of law here. The case was just opened back up. The only reason to stop him from testifying is to save those who actually setup and protected this farce. Fuck you, moron or shill
Is that what i said? If justice isn't served then i can get you being all up for it, but if this is done before he gets to testify then you're just helping those you hate. I know it must be hard for you to understand with that 22 IQ and all.
of course that's what it is, but i hate knowing there are low iq idiots who will fall for this shit.
Did my post make your head hurt? Awwwww. You are an emotional monkey with no intelligence. So.......... I don't give a fuck what you think of me
Or what? Are you gonna throw your shit at me
Bro, do you even english?
Let the new investigation play out. At the very least
Come on, come get me then. Idgaf. Let's see how it end for you.
Pretty sure you threatend me and i said go for it. Once again, do you english bro?
Yeah, dudes an indian paid to be a shill. They're pretty cheap. Tim Ferris talks about outsourcing in his 4 Hour Workweek book
Aaaannnndddddd time to contact Secret Service again. Hope you have a nice visit from them
With threats against the Pres? I think so
theyre running out of moneyhave to hire real third worlders now
Check out dutchsinse on youtube if you havent heard of him. Daily earthquake forecasts. Yes, forecasts. Kinda on point too. Interesting stuff.
Nah, i was just having fun messing with him hahaha
and i thought mine was a good one. KeK
Once a spook always a spook
Yeah, for the pros. You know, the guys who pay tourney's for a livin? They have rules for stuff like this