LeRoi Moore was killed in an "SUV accident" in 2008 while consulting with Cornell and Bennington on a movie to expose the pedos because he made the mistake of going to David Geffen with the idea.
You absolutely must include him in your list.
Investigators for the family of this former A- list musician from a permanent A list band are now checking to see if he was murdered rather than suffering a terrible accident. The problem they are facing is that his death was quite some time ago. On the bright side, they have the vehicle he was riding and it is undisturbed from that date. They also have a diary of the people he had been meeting to get financing for a movie he wanted to make with his girlfriend. The movie tries to shed light on child trafficking and exploitation. Two days before the accident that would ultimately kill him, he met with an A+++ list producer who had been visiting Washington, D.C. where our musician met him to discuss his ideas.
This same movie, which is being produced by the girlfriend of the dead musician to carry out his wishes has also claimed the lives of two permanent A list singers who were directly involved in the making of the movie and who also had confrontations with the A+++ list producer.