Anonymous ID: af04aa June 23, 2019, 8:42 p.m. No.6827874   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7908


>…these videos are old…Not even remotely notable, calm your tits


100% Agree, however…


These stories are all about a pre-planned [deep state] major global Narrative Shift…

they're holding the UFO narrative in a "keep warm" status for the moment


They started this false flag narrative (same exact stories) right after Q started posting (Dec 2017-Jan 2018),

but backed off when they realized arrests were not imminent


"Three US Senators briefed on UFOs" this week (incl Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.))– whole

purpose was to keep the UFO 'scare' narrative front & center – they will ramp up and go

full boar once the the truth starts coming out


You said you're a ufofag…we all want the whole truth on UFOs, but unfortunately, any

disclosures will be a "limited hangout" format – truths mixed with disinformation…don't

expect anything positive to come from this – they are literally using this to create

public panic / terror


The more UFO stories we see in MSM – the more 'it's happening'