Are the muh jooh shills gone/ Havent seen the satanisim staples around tonight
Yeah, it was fun for the time, but it was probably one of the worst they ran.
It was this bread too. I'm sorry we aren't up to your standards though. Next time we'll get them BEFORE they post itโฆโฆ
SO whats the difference in a global report vs a regular one
Im not the guy youre arguing with but you really do need to get some better picsThese were cool when we were in primary school but were a bit past that now
Thats not how the human body worksGuess they havent gotten to that in second grade yet though
Dude calm the fuck down
All i did was make fun of your stupid pis you insist on posting with your posts
If you think im a shill just for saying something you did was dumb then youre a special sort of stupid
The fuck are you talking about
Id be more than happy to fuck you up in no time flat if you really want, but acting like a tough guy on the internet is absolutely laughable. You may actually be in grade school. wtf m8 you must be new around here
But hey, i appreciate the absence of a pic
He's not defending, just saying report it and move on. How do you get "defending it" out of that
You sound like the shill here, asswipe