TY Baker
Thats an excellent list of tactics.
Do you have anything else to talk about, anon?
Goodnight, boatfag
Its been mathematically proven that over a network such this you cannot trust me.
I remember growing up near Camp David, two sets of three Chinook helicopters would fly over every day during the time of the Israel-Egypt talks.
A friend of mine claimed she was psychic so we did the guess the card Im looking at game.
She got 9/11 right for suits and 5/11 right for number.
When I looked at the card, but she didn't guess right when I picked without looking.
But in this ESP Trainer app description it says the computer chooses a color and doesn't tell you.
I think thats even more interesting without another person involved.
Think that app calls back to super duper spook headquarters when it identifies recruitable talent?
Trolling, and never lacking a bunch of responses.
Here you go, anon, these should make you feel better.