Anonymous ID: 7fa93d June 23, 2019, 10:07 p.m. No.6828418   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8609


Good luck using other means. I will not quit. I would have no problem giving mylife to save a child’s life that is being abused. Seriously, do you think POTUS would not come to the rescue for Anon if there was trouble after we can prove where it was, how you came in receipt of it and reported it immediately. I believe you wou;d befine if though don’t download the images. If we all said we have to close due to CP, the shills and evil ones will know just what button to push. They want us closed down and it is not going to happen because we will not let it happen. Keep your nose clean and report CP shen you see it,. Say a pray for the kids that are being abused. We are going to take them all down real soon. ‘There time is coming. I have hunting peoo since October 2016l when Wiki was dropped. I do what I can for the girls.