Anonymous ID: 82a7c0 June 23, 2019, 9:55 p.m. No.6828369   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>6828259 lb

Indeed we have grown and some some growing pains along the way. I'm still in awe about those early days of Q proving himself. It's not easy to pull one over on anons. Could smell a shill a mile away.

I remember one night, I think it was first time Potus left the country and planefags were trying to track his flight. Transponder was on and off. At one point, USAF posted here saying, "we've got this" or something to that effect. Made me sit back. We were that special, planefags that good, to get a special shout out from AF. It's fun to reminisce about those days.


I've never mentioned the "trail" before b/c I didn't want to give anyone ideas, knowing all the eyes on this board. You know so many have put in FOIA requests. Can't find if you don't know where to look. And maybe I am wrong, but can't help but feel Q has been forced into silence. Regardless, nothing can stop what's coming. Nothing.