Anonymous ID: 01a4ad June 24, 2019, 3:13 a.m. No.6829372   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9427 >>9553 >>9704 >>9774

The July 4th celebration will occur shortly after the next New Moon, which happens to also be a solar eclipse. Eclipses are more significant if they coincide with an important part of a person's, or nation's, natal/inception chart. Since the Declaration of Independence was actually first signed on July 2nd, and then read publicly for the first time on July 4th, the eclipse on July 2nd is significant for the USA.


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The New Moon on Tuesday, July 2, 2019, at 10° Cancer is a total solar eclipse. The Total Solar Eclipse July 2019 astrology is refreshingly optimistic. Positive influences from Uranus and a star in Gemini Constellation make this an excellent eclipse for enjoying good times with friends and especially your family.


The July 2019 Solar Eclipse brings good health, honor, and riches. It brings people together and is a good omen for ending conflict through peace negotiations. Total Solar eclipse July 2019 can make your dreams come true through patience, open-mindedness, and hard work.

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