What is a one post wonder?
Just gonna point this out…… It is a tactic of the enemy to build up anon's anticipation level of "happenings" etc, so they can shit sling when it doesn't.
This is not to say that things aren't happening….they are.
Just don't fall for the shill wind up trick.
So what?… The illegals are getting rounded up…Homeless getting better…What's your point?….You want it done quicker?….Please explain
Yeah, but hilldawg gonna bitch about anything.
Take comfort in the fact that it is getting better.
The shills weren't working as hard and the bakers back then were hardened.. Didn't seem to have the problem… could b a list of reasons.
Seriously….You're still posting the pool table slide as notable.
What a shitty taste I have in my mouth.
Check it now….YES
I am curious ( was gone 4+ months)…..What happened to that clam baker piece of shit?
Although after the other night's fiasco, It's probably safer to alert them, than presume they're lurking…..lol
Yup….Definitely needs more red.
Calling it like I see it.
True…Was sink or swim.
It's an easy thing to take out…. seeing as the slide has been going for 2 days.
Fuck off with your bullshit….filtered.
Autistic my arse….If you are autistic, then you've gone wayyyyy over the spectrum.
So your denying it's a slide….Stupid bullshit thats been running for 2 days….to find a "message"…that no ones been able to find…..not a Q post……BUT You want it in notables and I'm a shill……
You do relise you fucking glow to me.
Fuck off…Filtered… Enjoy your "reacharound" while you can.
FUCK ME….Who the fuck are you….That slimy clam baker piece of shit used to do this…
Which baker are you?
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt for now, but I am watching you "graveyard baker"
Are you going to take the 2 day slide out?
If that has anything to do with Fastjack…. the new BO…I support him as much as i did the old BO 8bit.
Both legends for the effort they have tirelessly put in.
Hellllooo Minion….Well well well…..Didn't take long for you to remind me of alllll your bullshit….
Hows the kitchen going since we booted your arse way back when you were larping as leafy….then the half dozen after that.
But you settled on clam for a while… because I let you… Especially after you broke 8bit with your tirias bullshit……It's that whole buffalo thing…..Your an arsehole so might as well let you work for us n check for mistakes after.
But…You've been fucking up so much it's obvious to all.
So who the fuck are you going to hide out as next…. The baker you chaperoned last? what ya gonna call yourself then? MINION