Anonymous ID: 9f5bce June 24, 2019, 12:54 a.m. No.6829066   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9078

So…on the day of President Trump's election, not a single demonrat in America thought President Trump would or could win. Not a single world leader thought President Trump would or could win, (except one, apparently according to the demonrats) none of them had thought President Trump could possibly win since the day he came down the elevator. In some cases, especially among the demonrats and socialists, they still don't believe he can or did win - today.


Few in media worldwide even broached the possibility during President Trump's campaign and the demonrat media-arm are still laughing and insulting President Trump as they have since he announced he was running and the vacuous vomit that are their opinions/demonrat/[DS] propaganda shows their lack of touch with reality as well as their lack of ethics, morals or honesty, but hey - they have money in the bank, send their kids to decent schools, go on annual vacation, what's a lie or two anyway? Or as shrillary so clearly put in during the Benghazi hearings "What difference at this point does it make?" I don't feel they deserve the moniker of news, even Fake News, they are just hosts of opinion programs. Words matter and associating what they do is an insult to news, but they didn't know, didn't believe anyone saying it was possible. Remember Ann Coulter? Whatever happened to that skanky ho? Anyway, she was pilloried by various talk show hosts that at least identify what they do isn't news or important, for supporting then Candidate Trump and then President Trump…until she was apparently bought off and infected with TDS and her 15 minutes appear to be up.


Yet, somehow when most people concerned thought it was impossible and had for well over a year…Putin not only knew President Trump would win - damn, is he psychic or what? - but had always known and actively helped him do so? This is the story the globalist scum that own the demonrat party and infect their sub-intellect acolytes want people with common sense to believe? This is the line the globalist propaganda media are told to spew to their viewers?


demonrats are cowards as well as anti-American. They were wrong, they backed the wrong horse, and they are such cowards they just can't admit they were wrong and that they didn't win and they are willing to lie, cheat, leak, (did I write lie?) and hurt whomever until they either get their way…or get voted out of office or in many cases: arrested!


I promise chuck and nancy - and schifty and nadler - that the day are publicly indicted I will do a "raise the roof" dance and applaud.