Thank you and GBY too.
So ya hoofin into the baker… Stirring him up huh. Is it just this baker or all?
So just this baker?
Go get him tiger….Take all that rage out on that baker…..LMAO
Technically it's not….Hasn't taken it off board fame whoring or filled name field.
What;s his name?
Which is good…Welcome aboard.
Just know that if you do Fame whore / Namefag we gonna shred you.
It was 1200 pages ….It was posted here….I read half….I think it was from a government website… Is a year ago ish… Should be another coming out soon… Can't wait.
That's it…I got to page 660…. If you want to see what assets we had seized and how many extra dollars are in the coffer because of it…. just have a look….then times it by 80 for about now.
Glow glow glow your boat gently down the stream
Take your shit and make it quick, our lives would be a dream.
fuck off.
Cool… Factually useless and a joke.