>>6829126 (lb)
>>6829118 (lb)
>Awesome Meme on Watch the "Water" and "Pool" Table from Q post #713
Holy water, batman! These posts made me look up Q post 198 while keeping in mind the shape formed by the balls on the pool table.
Q asks: 3 sides form what shape?
Everybody thinks: A triangle!
That is correct in a sense, but it's only true because all shapes with 3 sides are triangles. That's not obvious. You have to prove it with geometry.
Q's hint was: expand your thinking.
If you remember the terminology for geometric shapes, then you will quickly find the answer to Q's question by asking yourself: What do you call a shape with 4 sides?
That's what he meant by expand your thinking.
Another way to reach the answer is to ask: A triangle has three what?
Then what do you call a shape with three angles?
The word "triangle" means "three angles".
What word means "three sides"?
A shape with 4 sides is called a quadrilateral.
So getting back to pool: what shape confines the balls within the rack in a game of pool?
A Trilateral.
That word is used very rarely, but there's a prominent organization called the Trilateral Commission, which has been accused of being a component of a secret world government.