Anonymous ID: d272da June 24, 2019, 5:42 a.m. No.6829885   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9927

West ‘turns blind eye’ to ‘ultra-nationalists’ rioting when it comes to Georgia – Moscow


Western politicians ignore anti-Russian riots in Georgia, hoping to destroy the historical ties Georgians have with Russia, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said. Tbilisi, meanwhile, offered concessions to the protesters.


The recent anti-Russian protests and subsequent clashes in Georgia are “yet another example of the results of geopolitical engineering” performed by Western politicians, Lavrov said on Monday.


The Western supervisors are ready to turn a blind eye to rioting by ultra-nationalists and Russophobia, as long as they get to rip apart all the ties the people of Georgia have with our country, and rewrite our common history.


Despite all of that, Moscow remains open to dialogue and partnership wherever it is possible to “neutralize the common threats to all of humanity,” the minister stated.


The anti-government and anti-Russian protests broke out in downtown Tbilisi last week, spiraling into violent clashes with police outside the nation’s parliament building. Before that, opposition lawmakers protested against a visiting Russian delegation, a member of which addressed the participants of a Christian-themed event, hosted in the parliament building, from the official seat of the house speaker.

Anonymous ID: d272da June 24, 2019, 5:44 a.m. No.6829898   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9909

Beijing could blacklist FedEx as ‘unreliable entity’ after another Huawei delivery screw-up


American courier FedEx has apologized for failing to deliver a package to the US which contained a Huawei smartphone. The incident, which is not the first of its kind to affect Huawei, was explained as an “operational mistake.”


The parcel belonged to PC Magazine which reportedly tried to send a Huawei P30 smartphone from Britain to the United States. Tracking services revealed the shipment was returned to London after it spent several hours in Indianapolis.

Anonymous ID: d272da June 24, 2019, 5:49 a.m. No.6829920   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ministry of Social Affairs says more than 112,000 people displaced by Tripoli offensive


The Crisis Committee of the Ministry of Social Affairs said that it had documented about 22,000 displaced families from areas of clashes south of Tripoli.


"About 21,000 of those displaced families are living outside the accommodation centres, allocated by the Government of the National Accord (GNA), while the number of displaced people from areas of clashes amounted to more than 112,000 since the beginning of Haftar's aggression on the capital last April," the Committee explained.

Anonymous ID: d272da June 24, 2019, 5:53 a.m. No.6829946   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I see the bad moon a-rising

I see trouble on the way

I see earthquakes and lightning

I see bad times today

I hear hurricanes a-blowing

I know the end is coming soon

I fear rivers overflowing

I hear the voice of rage and ruin

Hope you got your things together

Hope you are quite prepared to die

Looks like we're in for nasty weather

One eye is taken for an eye


Creedence Clearwater Revival - Bad Moon Rising

Anonymous ID: d272da June 24, 2019, 5:58 a.m. No.6829969   🗄️.is 🔗kun

80 days in, Haftar's forces struggle to keep grip on last positions in southern Tripoli


80 days have passed since Khalifa Haftar has launched his offensive against Tripoli with remarkable struggling on his forces' part to advance on or maintain positions in southern Tripoli, especially after their supply lines from Al-Jufra to Gharyan has been destroyed.


The western zone forces under the Presidential Council's command said earlier they had attacked a military convoy moving toward Al-Jufra, leaving many fighters killed or injured.


Central zone forces said they had also controlled a supply line for Haftar's forces after they had seized the road between Al-Jufra and western region so the supplies cannot reach Gharyan and Tarhouna.


Meanwhile, heavy crashes have erupted on Tripoli Airport frontline today with Volcano of Rage Operation saying its forces have seized the main entrance gate, VIP lounge and other important areas of the airport.


The Libyan Air Force also carried out several airstrikes to back up the forces on the ground, striking Haftar's forces in Ain Zara, Wadi Rabea and Tripoli Airport areas, let alone a strike by Haftar's warplane on it's own forces mistakenly at the eastern part of the airport.


Clashes are still ongoing in and outside the airport as senior leaders from Presidential Council's forces say the battle for the airport and Qasir Benghashir will soon end on victory.

Anonymous ID: d272da June 24, 2019, 6:01 a.m. No.6829994   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0068 >>0312 >>0465 >>0514

US deploying missiles along Russia's borders could lead to ‘new Cuban crisis’ – Russia's deputy FM


Washington will provoke explosive tensions, reminiscent of the darkest moments of the Cold War, if it sends missiles close to Russia’s border after suspending the INF Treaty, a senior diplomat in Moscow warned.


If Washington deploys short or mid-range ground-based missiles along Russia’s borders, the situation “will not only become complicated, it will escalate to the maximum level,” Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov told lawmakers on Monday.


We can end up in a missile crisis not just similar to the one we had in the 1980s, but to the Cuban Missile Crisis [in 1962].


The diplomat was commenting on the demise of the landmark 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) between Moscow and Washington. The deal banned owning and testing of all ground-based missiles with a range of up to 5,500km (3,420 miles), as well as their launchers.

Anonymous ID: d272da June 24, 2019, 6:14 a.m. No.6830059   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Motorcyclists Shoot at Mosque in Spanish City in North Africa


MADRID (Sputnik) - Several unidentified motorcyclists were shot early on Monday at a mosque in the Spanish autonomous city of Ceuta in North Africa, a local government spokesperson told Sputnik.


"Unknown people shot at the front of the mosque early in the morning. At least three shots were fired. The culprits escaped on their motorcycles. The police are currently investigating", the spokesperson said.


The spokesperson added that no one was hurt during the incident.


According to the Efe news outlet, there were about 10 people inside the mosque at the time of the incident.


A man opened fired at Muley el Mehdi mosque in the Spanish exclave of #Ceuta (northern coast of #Morocco) this morning whilst Muslims were praying.#Spain #Islamophobia #Islamofobia

— DOAM (@doamuslims) 24 июня 2019 г.

Anonymous ID: d272da June 24, 2019, 6:21 a.m. No.6830099   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Kościuszko's Squadron


The name Kościuszko's Squadron or Kościuszko's Escadrille, taken from the Polish hero Tadeusz Kościuszko, has been borne by several units of the Polish Air Force throughout its history. Each used the insignia designed by Eliott Chess, an American pilot serving with the Polish Army during the Polish-Soviet War. First formed after Poland regained independence following World War I, it consisted of a small group of American volunteers independent of the U.S. State Department or the American Expeditionary Force in Europe.[One of the most famous pilots was Merian C. Cooper, producer of the 1933 movie King Kong, who was decorated for valor by Polish commander-in-chief Józef Piłsudski with the highest Polish military decoration, the Virtuti Militari. During WW II the Kościuszko Squadron was formed by refugee Polish pilots who joined the RAF and played an essential role in helping save Britain during the Battle of Britain.

Anonymous ID: d272da June 24, 2019, 6:23 a.m. No.6830106   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0147 >>0155 >>0179

Developing… Bodies of Two Infants, a Toddler and 20-Year-Old Woman Found By Border Patrol in Texas


Hidalgo County Sheriff Eddie Guerra has announced that the bodies of two infants, a toddler and a 20-year-old woman have been found near a river by Border Patrol agents in Texas.


Guerra said that the bodies were found in a brushy area by the river south east of the Anzalduas Park in Las Paloma Wildlife Management Area.


BREAKING NEWS: Deputies are on scene by the river SE of the Anzalduas Park in Las Paloma Wildlife Management Area where Border Patrol agents located 4 deceased bodies. Bodies appear to be 2 infants, a toddler and 20yoa female. Deputies are awaiting FBI agents who will be leading.


— Sheriff Eddie Guerra (@SheriffGuerra) June 24, 2019


FBI is taking over the case as the bodies were found on federal property.


Investigators have told Channel 5 that they do not suspect foul play and that it may have been a case of dehydration.

Anonymous ID: d272da June 24, 2019, 6:28 a.m. No.6830134   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0160

Soros Interfering In EU Democracies by Funding Left-Wing Groups to Counter Right-Wing's Gains


George Soros's Open Society Foundations is planning to dump millions of dollars into various leftist groups in Western Europe which are losing funds due to gains by right-wing nationalist parties in recent elections.


George Soros’s Open Society Foundations, best known for funding civil rights activists across Eastern Europe and the developing world, are increasingly turning their attention to affluent western Europe in response to the rise of the far right there.


Officials at the hedge fund magnate and philanthropist’s charity, which disburses around a billion dollars a year, said the nationalist right’s recent electoral successes were triggering the same contraction in the space for independent activism that had earlier been seen in Eastern Europe.


In southern France, the foundation has stepped in to replace funding to local migrant rights and anti-discrimination groups whose financing was frozen when Marine Le Pen’s then-National Front, since renamed National Rally, took power in a number of municipalities.


With Germany’s anti-immigration Alternative for Germany set to make gains in regional elections across the country’s east in the autumn, the foundation is preparing to take similar steps, said Selmin Caliskan, a director in its new Berlin office.

Anonymous ID: d272da June 24, 2019, 6:33 a.m. No.6830159   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0312 >>0465 >>0514

US sends naval assault ship to Persian Gulf amid increased tensions with Iran


BEIRUT, LEBANON (2:30 P.M.) – The U.S. Navy has sent an amphibious assault ship to the Persian Gulf this week as tensions remain high with Iran.


According to the Associated Press, the U.S.S. Boxer assault ship, along with the amphibious transport dock U.S.S. John P. Murtha and the amphibious dock landing ship U.S.S. Harpers Ferry arrived in the 5th Fleet’s area of responsibility.


The Navy didn’t elaborate on where the ships were.


The Bahrain-based 5th Fleet oversees the Navy’s presence in the Persian Gulf and surrounding Mideast waters.


Last week, the Iranian shot down a U.S. drone as it was passing through the Strait of Hormuz. The downing of this drone prompted the U.S. to consider a retaliatory attack against the Iranian military

Anonymous ID: d272da June 24, 2019, 6:40 a.m. No.6830184   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0195 >>0312 >>0465 >>0514

Trump: ‘I Have Doves and Hawks’, If it Was Up to John Bolton We Would ‘Take On the Whole World at One Time’


During his interview with Chuck Todd on Meet the Press on Sunday, President Donald Trump said that if it was up to his national security adviser John Bolton, we would be taking on the “whole world at one time.”


Bolton has been under intense scrutiny from the ‘America First’ populist side of President Trump’s base who do not want to see the US get dragged into another war.


WATCH: President Trump tells Chuck Todd that he has doves and hawks in his cabinet. #MTP #IfItsSunday


Trump: “I have some hawks. John Bolton is absolutely a hawk. If it was up to him he'd take on the whole world at one time.“


— Meet the Press (@MeetThePress) June 23, 2019


When asked by Todd if he was “being pushed into military action against Iran” by any of his advisers, Trump responded that he has “two groups of people. I have doves and I have hawks.”


Todd responded by saying, “yeah, you have some serious hawks.”

Anonymous ID: d272da June 24, 2019, 6:52 a.m. No.6830258   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Google - Statistics & Facts


Feb 8, 2019

Google is a California-based, multinational internet company which provides digital products and services such as online search and advertising, cloud computing and software. In December 2018, Google was ranked first amongst the most visited multi-platform web properties in the United States with close to 246 million U.S. unique visitors and a market share of 63.2 percent among the leading U.S. search engine providers. Parent company Alphabet's market capitalization in June 2018 was valued at 793 billion U.S. dollars. In 2015, American multinational conglomerate Alphabet Inc. was created as the parent company of Google and several other companies previously owned by or tied to Google. The reorganization of Google into Alphabet was completed on October 2, 2015.

Anonymous ID: d272da June 24, 2019, 6:59 a.m. No.6830287   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0296


LGBT cartoon targets young boys, promotes gay relationships to children


August 3, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) — In A Heartbeat, declared by millions to be “the cutest thing I’ve ever seen,” is a short animated video about a young boy's middle school ‘crush’ on another boy, currently melting a few million hearts around the world each day.


Posted on Monday, the four-minute video quickly went viral. By Tuesday afternoon, it had garnered 3.7 million ‘views.’ By late afternoon Wednesday, the number of views had doubled to 7.4 million. By Thursday morning, it was headed toward 11 million views.


On the one hand, it’s popularity is no surprise. It’s a totally engaging, masterfully crafted little film, bound to receive many film festival awards. And because there’s no dialogue, it offers global appeal and reach.


Yahoo’s movie reviewer cheered it, saying, “Hopefully, given the response the short film has gotten, major studios will take notice of the fact that LGBTQ stories should be told, and that no matter your sexual identity, people can relate to those first flushes of love.”

Anonymous ID: d272da June 24, 2019, 7:03 a.m. No.6830304   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0404 >>0405 >>0429 >>0463 >>0495 >>0518

Project Veritas – Google Exec Decries Trump’s Election: ‘How Do We Prevent It from Happening Again’


Undercover videos recorded by Project Veritas reveals that Google is determined to prevent the re-election of Donald Trump in 2020, and is altering its products with this aim in mind.


The report includes undercover footage featuring a top Google executive, Jen Gennai, discussing how Google might prevent an electoral outcome like 2016 from happening again.

Anonymous ID: d272da June 24, 2019, 7:08 a.m. No.6830328   🗄️.is 🔗kun


That's what I use and basically the same addons at Fire Fox…which is turning in to a SJW club


Mozilla, makers of Firefox, gave $100,000 to Antifa! BOOOOO Mozilla!

Anonymous ID: d272da June 24, 2019, 7:20 a.m. No.6830398   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Czechs demand PM step down in largest protest since communist era


An estimated quarter of a million Czechs rallied in Prague on Sunday to demand the resignation of Prime Minister Andrej Babis, in the biggest show of public discontent since the 1989 Velvet Revolution which overthrew Communism.


The rally in Letna park was the culmination of a series of demonstrations in recent weeks against Babis, who has faced investigations over alleged fraud and conflicts of interest, claims he vehemently denies.


Organisers said they believed that about 250,000 people had attended Sunday's rally. Phone operator T-Mobile said its network usage analysis put the number of participants at over 258,000. A police spokesman declined to give an estimate.


The total population of the Czech Republic is 10.7 million.


Protesters carried banners saying "Resign", "We've had enough", "We won't give up democracy", and others waved Czech and EU flags. Many families brought children to the rally, which was peaceful as were other recent protests against both Babis and his justice minister.

Anonymous ID: d272da June 24, 2019, 7:23 a.m. No.6830420   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0441 >>0450




25 Google Alternatives – Take Control of Your Privacy


With Google being back in the news for firing James Damore – and because I had to do a meme compilation about it – I figured now is a good time for a privacy update. Let’s go through 25 Google alternatives that you can use to avoid the all-seeing Google eyes.


But first, some basics of internet privacy.


Basics of Internet Privacy

Anonymous ID: d272da June 24, 2019, 7:33 a.m. No.6830466   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Then try this there are plenty of options


12 Google Alternatives: Best Search Engines To Use In 2019

It is a well-known fact that Google search engine’s ‘personalized experience’ comes at the cost of sharing our personal data and by allowing ourselves to get tracked by Google on the internet. At some point, this personalization becomes annoying when you see too much of tailored content and ads targeting you.


Besides, there are many search engines other than Google that have so much to offer; not just in terms of privacy but useful features too. So if you are not impressed with Google search results or maybe you are looking for search engines that are equally good, here is a list of 12 best Google alternative websites you can check out.


Before moving ahead, do take a look at our other lists of free alternative websites and apps:

Anonymous ID: d272da June 24, 2019, 7:43 a.m. No.6830513   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0549


Why Is Alphabet CEO Eric Schmidt Technically Serving In The Department Of Defense?


Eric Schmidt, chief executive of Google parent company Alphabet, was appointed chairman of a Department of Defense program in 2016 that was established by former President Barack Obama’s administration.