>>6830503 lb
Roseanne Barr
Jerome Hershel Barr - Helen Davis
William Barr
Donald Barr - Mary Margaret
>>6830503 lb
Roseanne Barr
Jerome Hershel Barr - Helen Davis
William Barr
Donald Barr - Mary Margaret
Didn't need tineye to see it was shooped. AG Barr wouldn't have been in a photo like that to begin with.
True enough. Here's moar validation.
Rosanne's paternal grandfather changed his surname from "Borisofsky" to "Barr" upon entering the United States.[8]
It's Wiki, I know, but not all of it is garbage.
Agreed. But won't happen under the current owners.
Maybe it wasn't leaked? Maybe it's just moar made up bullshit from the desparate Dims?
Well, if it was indeed leaked, just shows there are still traitors in the admin. Kinda hard to believe all of them haven't been rooted out by now.
Not likely. Multiple tweets just sent out he is signing an EO to place moar sanctions on Iran.
It's not AF1 unless Potus is on board.
Sauce it was AF1 with Potus on board. Especially since eyes on in the WH say he is there signing an EO.
Don't be a low iq faggot. It wasn't a threat. It was a suspicious package not even close to the OO. Many pool reporters say he is in the WH. They aren't part of your conpiracy to lie. You have zero evidence to back up your claim, yet there is plenty of evidence he is indeed at the WH.
Exactly. Shills be shilling.
Some are so desparate to make something out of nothing. Gets old.
>Youre the faggot that said it cant show AF1 on a transponder unless POTUS is there
You lie or you just can't comprehend what you read. I never said it can't, fuckwad. You too stupid to even reply to. I'm sure your mommy has a hot locket waiting for you.
No need to reply as I won't see it.
Potus is at the WH. AAF1 is not up.
Potus does not leave until Wednesday, stupid.
And stop pushing that tired old drop. Go thru this every fucking time Potus leaves the country and every fucking time you are proven wrong. Just stop.
And yet multiple reports Potus is at the WH signing an EO. But they must be part of the conspiracy to say Potus is there instead of aboard AF1.
But how is that possible? Planefags say he is aboard AF1.
Thank you very much.
so all the pool reporters are in on it as well as the official WH twat account? smh
Then you also think all the anti-Trump reporters in the WH are playing along with it?
fuck, some of you have no logic at all.