if the law is too vague( which means prosecutors will abuse) then the law should be rewritten.
I've seen multiple news stories in the past where they threw alot of charges regarding firearms at people. Many of them seem like getting charged twice with the same crime.
They should have been charged with armed robbery, not seperate offenses like brandishing a shotgun.
also think about this in terms of people who own guns, and get in trouble for something else and because their gun was on the scene or in their possession/ at their home,( even if they did not use it) they get several other charges which gives them many years in prison, when they should just get a couple of years.
Just iu always thought extra charges regarding the gun itself was overkill and not fair, and almost approachs double jeopardy laws( getting charged with the same crime twice) just they use fancy legal terms which have the same/similar definition in order to bring about many charges.
If the gun is illegal( off the street, no serial numbers) then they should be charged with that. And if a weapon was used( which includes threatening someone during commssion of the crime) they should be charged with armed robbery.
I'm surprised more conservative justices did not go with the Neil on this.
Many laws are going to have to be rewritten( they made the system complicated and many worthless laws meant to make people's lives more difficult and complicated, and in away all the fines,lawyer fee's, etc are like a slushfund.
Not just in the criminal justice system, but in general the entire sytem, like tickets, regulations,the government.
Lots of redtape and bullshit, meant to depress people and keep them stressed.