Dont like to post in first 100 but whatever
This comes from watching the U.S Army video that was mentioned before.
Dont mind if things seem a little scattered just putting together the pieces
all numbers are taken from video and are in order.
7[private stringer] New board for Q?
309 [marker]
144 (period 9) patriots dont sleep [9 days?]
[0 - 2 days]
10 rounds [#335 10 minute marker] Timestamp [Q] post [:03] against POTUS' Tweet [:13].
No coincidences.
live rounds 2 weeks 7x2 = 14 = [#14 military intelligence & state secrets]
linking to 102 stringer and 712 truth to power marker
2:19 transition in word and video [#219 stringer + panic = switch?]
224 [blackwater]
4:22[trip test]
68 whiskey combat medic sisters [Alice&wonderland reference]
leads to 1320 and 625 [Board Security Test]
POTUS Took Control of Iran Today
8 May 2018 - 7:44:19 PM
Today, EVIL lost control / leverage of Iran.
Today, POTUS took control of Iran.
Today, w/ pending sanctions and military action(s), POTUS will gain more ammunition / intel against THEM.
Suicide watch.
The deal kept Iran quiet.
The goal was to keep POTUS in until impeachment / term end.
Bigger than people can imagine.
Treason is 1/10th.
Ask yourself, why are they panicking?
Ask yourself, why is UK, France, and Germany so involved?
Trips to the WH?
What are they hiding?
Why is HRC in NZ?
Is NZ part of 5 Eyes?
Why is that relevant?
Suicide watch.
links full circle to the events of this morning