> No ! Why you count on Trump and Q and at the same time speak against Scientology ? (at least bigleaguepolitics does. You might not. OK). That's just madness. Scientology is the MOST ETHICAL GROUP on planet earth and it will take us all out of the mud finally. Trump and Q are phenomena of people awakening. Awakening is happening because of rising conciousness level due to Scientologists activities. Attacking Scientology means one has something to hide. Most vicious attacks being launched by fake news media and certain Type of fake Politicians who might have dead bodies in the cellar. And there are plenty of such idiots amongst them as you certaily know.
No! Why do you count on Trump and Q and at the same time speak against Scientology ? (at least bigleaguepolitics does. You might not. OK). That's just madness. Scientology is the MOST ETHICAL GROUP on planet earth and it will take us all out of the mud finally. Trump and Q are phenomena of people awakening. Awakening is happening because of rising conciousness level due to Scientologists activities. Attacking Scientology means one has something to hide. Most vicious attacks being launched by fake news media and certain Type of fake Politicians who might have dead bodies in the cellar. And there are plenty of such idiots amongst them as you certaily know. >>6831924