Anonymous ID: e60dcb June 24, 2019, 12:22 p.m. No.6832185   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2379 >>2459 >>2585 >>2711 >>2771 >>2793 >>2820

US lapdog Jeremy Hunt prepping British public for war with Iran, just in case Trump asks


Britain will “stand by” its ally and consider offering military support if the Trump administration decides to go to war with Iran, Jeremy Hunt has confirmed — words from the foreign secretary that are unlikely to come as a shock.

With the US doing its level best to raise tensions with Iran, Hunt has revealed himself to be every bit the pathetic poodle of Washington that Tony Blair and ex-foreign secretary Jack Straw were in 2003 before the invasion of Iraq.


Campaigning for the Tory leadership in Scotland on Monday, Hunt pretended to be “very concerned” about the recent attacks on oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman, which he claimed were “almost certainly” the work of Iran. He offered no new evidence, of course — but then again, he didn’t need it; “instinct” had already told him that the Trump administration’s chief warmongers, John Bolton and Mike Pompeo, were telling him the truth.