Anonymous ID: e771f3 June 24, 2019, 12:31 p.m. No.6832246   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The world is so lucky the demonrats didn't win in 2016.


Just think, they have been going apoplectic over Russia but all they have done/are doing shows their absolute inferior intellect in relation to Russia! After all, on the night of Donald Trump's victory and even into the next day, not a single demonrat fake politician or any of their sub-intellect anti-American, socialist followers believed Donald Trump could or would win. Even while shrillary was going crazy in the back room when the numbers showed she lost she couldn't accept it and still can't.


And yet, Putin not only knew what nobody in America knew, he knew it so far in advance he was able to set up a still invisible network - a few twatter/fascist_book being noted does not a major secret operation make - and infiltrate not only the American media but political circles, siphon off information from a never-examined-by-authorities server, and gaurantee Donald Trump would win…and then apply the most damaging sanctions on Russia and Russian individuals in many so-called "administrations." Putin and Russia - to the demonrats - are both so brilliant and future-focused they know exactly what will happen and then on the other hand, lose all their intelligence and ability to see into the future the same day the demonrats lost the election; never having even checked into the available-on-yt videos of Donald Trump being interviewed on many network television programs from the 80's and 90's where he says exactly the same things he says today, including bad deals, corrupt politicians, America allowing other countries to get away with damaging America - including Russia, but somehow, the demonrat-feared absolute genius that they view Putin as didn't check any of those videos and wasn't aware the Donald Trump has ALWAYS been America and Americans FIRST!


Meanwhile, the information now coming out that it was shrillary that Putin and all other world leaders wanted to win and it seems - by examining this - is that Putin has more intellect in his little finger than does the entire demonrat so-called political party but their little cultists in the globalist propaganda media…COMBINED! No wonder the demonrats give so much credence to such a ridiculous idea as President Trump was an agent of Russian…the demonrats don't have the intellect to understand what they see when the look into a mirror!