Shills need to consider this.
You have six days left and you have achieved nothing.
Shills need to consider this.
You have six days left and you have achieved nothing.
USAF C-130 KING36 out of Fort Lauderdale.
HAVOC91 is not the aircraft at FLL. HAVOC91 flew from Muniz to Harrisburg, according to ADS-B Flight History.
They have no effect on us.
C-130 at FLL has tail markings FT and 725. We need to find this plane in the registry.
Planefags scramble!
It barely skirted the Bahamas, according to the ADS-B flight history. It did land at FLL though.
Target acquired
Unless we turn up any other tail numbes that correspond and have similar flight history with a landing at FLL, I would assume that 11-5725 is our plane.
Worth keeping digging, but I think we have out target.
According to this site, 11-5725 was written off.
Is this a re-paint or a 'Lazarus' plane?
If it's a repaint, it might hint at MH370/MH17 being a paint job.
Cancel that, I'm tired. Just saw 'scrapped' and 'Write off' and made an assumption. I'm going to bed.
Godspeed, all.