>>6835248 The Nuclear Option: Schumer Brands Trump a Madman — for Not Killing Iranians
>The Veritas video got Googled down the memory hole
Tells you all you need to know. Combined with the bullshit response, they are in major CYA mode. They just got fucked moar. Veritas is undefeated in legal challenges iirc.
I see MOIS in you.
I bet you just had some pre… in your hand with that overused shill meme because you know I spot on. You’re NEXT.
For a shill like you? Nah. Last money making you from me cuck. Take deep breaths, they are the last. Oh wait, you’re a low level dumbass, that’s why you’re here. You may make it. Nah, you won’t.
I see MOIS with you, again. How are those new sanctions working? All good? Give them time. PAIN is COMING.
>>6835626 Why would you defend MOIS unless you were MOIS?