Anonymous ID: eadada June 24, 2019, 7:44 p.m. No.6835329   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5354

>>5325789 (/pb)

Impossible to defend.

Vietnam trip coming.

Enjoy the show!


"It’s believed they were engaged by a Vietnamese web administrator named Vinh Van Nguyen, 35, to host the sickening videos and images."

"The servers had an eye-popping 934 terabytes of capacity.

The child pornography website had nearly 60,000 registered users; 11,910 of them have been identified.

The sickos were in 116 countries; the child victims, every colour and creed.

There were more than 19,000 child pornography files on the servers and they had been downloaded a heartbreaking 19 million times."

"Police have also issued a Canada-wide warrant for a Vietnamese national who was the administrator behind the child pornography website."