Another day, another ditch by Q.
When do anons start to feel abandoned like 3 year old nigger kids?
Another day, another ditch by Q.
When do anons start to feel abandoned like 3 year old nigger kids?
So, Q leaves the board for 29 days all the time, you say?
And those abandonments strengthen your belief in Q?
Did your uncle check you for hernia every month when you were 9?
Your inability to understand words beyond 5th grade reading level doesn't make ''he's the stupid one …
Or, Q got bored with duping the morans here for 19 fucking months and just went back to his normal life getting assfucked by every fag in SF.
You think that matters?
Q isn't coming back, anon.
Q wised up and pussies off when he was threatened with a doxx.
I have no idea who those people are.
Does Qgive you a list of pro-Trump internet people that you aren't allowed to listen to?
Doesn't that raise a red flag about Q?
Why would Q divide Trump supporters like that?
Fishy af.
Manufacture your shit in America and you won't have to worry about new shipping emisions regulations.
Fucking warren Buffet, unAmerican money grubbibg globalist cunt.
Take a trip to central Pennsylvania and buy from our based Amish … beautiful furniture thatll last 10 generations.
Why would goolag need to go to some fucking lodge to have a meeting?
In order to fulfill your romantic notion of secret bullshit?
The absolute state of this board …
Going to hump the old lady and then hit the sack.
Gnight, Qtards.