Who said it was new faggot?
Everything that is shared here has to be new. Really, I mean Behold a Pale Horse came out last Tuesday didn’t it putz boy?
You’re funny to me.
I feed off your animosity.
It’s delicious.
Who said it was new faggot?
Everything that is shared here has to be new. Really, I mean Behold a Pale Horse came out last Tuesday didn’t it putz boy?
You’re funny to me.
I feed off your animosity.
It’s delicious.
You keep telling yourself that pretty boy.
I dont know bout the rest of these fags but Im a tier one operator shitposter and a gold card carrying Presidential Advisor. For the bargain price of $42.
What u got?
Idk but i’d chase her fine self around and put her in muh sack and take her home too.
Or more likely go directly to jail.
Pam dat you?
Yes, Yes you are.