confirmed by 2 shill?
PS George Soros has been behind this since the '90's - He funded PONY and/or supported it. "Prostitutes of NY" They also want to lower the age of consent; make it acceptable or understandable that very young people could be interested in sex and pursue it on their own; they should be allowed.
There was a similar group in SanFran
"I researched prostitution and an organization called C.O.Y.O.T.E, which is a backronym for Call Off Your Old Tired Ethics. This organization was America’s first prostitutes’ rights organization founded in San Francisco in 1973 by Margo St. James, who was a former prostitute herself. Their ultimate goal was to decriminalize, not legalize, prostitution laws and end the social stigma associated with sex work, which is primarily due to male-imposed standards of ethics"
>>6836711 pb notable
^^^ It should be pointed out that "Up and Down" the "Ballot" is likely code for passing messages/ data; with those who pass it, knowing what it says or who it ultimately came from or where it's going to;
So likely some signal about their coms?
"Everyone pass the info" or something?
See George "Webb" Sweigert's explanation of the term here:
Webb, Corsi, Assange
It's a term of art.