It's loaded with flat earth shit (said as a non flat-earther).
Digits abound–in the SFO, in the 1321, in the 1588, in both timestamps… "plane" and "direct"
It was the FIRST Q-drop after the R-post and the deltas between the final Q-drop prior to 'R' and then from 'R' to this one were some beautiful mirror images of "10-4" as I recall from memory and then the ClayHiggins18 tweet (Rep from Louisiana…where Sen Kennedy is from too)…wrong name…RepClayHiggins instead… wrong profile hd found computers on it… it was all very interesting at the time. Just found this old graphic, but it got saved with poor image quality.
Anyway, this Qdrop related heavily to the R drop in my estimation. The "JFK" didn't hurt any. The timing was all brilliant…I remeber that much. Flat earth stuff is something I've noticed since. Ugh.