Remember when POTUS kept saying and posting "acid wash" regarding Hillary's concealment and attempted destruction of emails? When we all know the product used was called Bleach Bit.
Jes' a liddle reminder
Remember when POTUS kept saying and posting "acid wash" regarding Hillary's concealment and attempted destruction of emails? When we all know the product used was called Bleach Bit.
Jes' a liddle reminder
Also, people who write for MSM want to preserve their job by marketing their site and their business. (Just as successful employees in every business know that it's a good idea to make their boss look good, because that's a sure way to receive a favorable personnel report from the boss, come salary discussion time.) So these writers have a vested interest in appearing to be authoritative. This is true of every kind of MSM – financial media, news media, sportsball media, etc.
Clever weasel words like "as" don't have the same meaning as "because". They never say "So-and-so is happening BECAUSE this event here just happened." "As" allows them to concatenate two events and imply relationship, when there may or may not be any. It confers the pretense of authority.
Whether business class or no – Undoubtedly the statement was proofread, edited, and eventually approved by Google's
media relations people
There's no way such a statement gets made without such approvals.
And the statement was disingenuous, because it was carefully crafted to appear to be organic and in the style of an internet post (but with perfect grammar and spelling). A spontaneous post that long usually will typically contain at least a couple of typos or grammatical errors. There were none.
This was Alphabet Google Corporate speaking, in a manner they hoped would have plausible deniability in case it was not well received by the internet and investor community.
tranny too