Governor Greg Abbott SLAMS ‘Reprobate’ Congress as He Deploys 1,000 Troops at the Texas Border
Texas Governor Greg Abbott called Congress a “group of reprobates” before deploying 1,000 troops of the Texas Army National Guard on June 21, 2019.
The other members of the Texas “Big Three”, House Speaker Dennis Bonnen and Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, were also not pleased with Congress’s inaction on the matter.
The leaders issued their following thoughts on the matter:
Congress is a group of reprobates for not addressing the crisis on our border.”
— Gov. Abbott
“It is time for Congress to quit denying this is a crisis and address the problem.”
— Lt. Governor Patrick
“Shame on Congress if they won’t do their job.”
— Speaker Bonnen
The Texas leaders were in agreement with their frustration towards the U.S. Congress and its feckless behavior in addressing the rising number of illegal immigrants crossing the southern border.