Yesterday, a liberal friend of mine asked me why I supported Trump. It's getting harder and harder to answer that question.
Promoting 5G?
Promoting vaccines?
Getting government deeper into healthcare?
Not building the border wall?
Not addressing the middle-class-crushing cabal student loan scam?
Not reigning in government spending?
Constantly bragging about Hispanic unemployment?
Not stopping chemtrails, DARPA, or HAARP?
Not sharing helpful classified info with Americans?
I said, "The deep state is out of control and there's a chance Trump might be reigning them in".
If I had to make a choice today between Trump and Sanders today, I would actually have to think about it.
I made a mistake on education 20 years ago and took out a bad student loan. It's gone up in the last 20 years instead of down! All that money is going to the Rothschilds and Goldman Sachs!!! If Bernie is offering me $70,000 for his vote and Trump is still just talking, I'm not sure what I would do……and I do get how bad Bernie is.