little change to make in the dough:
#8745 -โ #8746
I should add that I shorten only my own descriptions, not those of other bakers. But experienced bakers tend to use shorter descriptions whenever possible.
Do you mean it's odd that O'keefe/Proj Veritas would "swoop in" to save Shapiro? PV would save anyone who is being targeted unfairly, because the focus is on the group doing the targeting (Google), not the targeted group. Same principle as with Alex Jones, yes?
haven't been following this closely, but know of one "arty party" reference:
PV videos are hard to deny. In the future, I imagine companies will be using "deep fake" excuse to say vid's are "deceptive."
Not sure what you're saying anon. Sourcewatch did a "hit piece" on Project Veritasโlooking for dirt on them. Didn't find financial irregularities.
If you have additional info, would like to know.
Agree. But other anon brought up possible "fuckery" so I replied. I've noticed negative comments here on PV (anons or shills?). Good to raise questions, get everything out in the open, kek.