This Anon was involved in the college system for 3 decades.
The college system went downhill in the 60s, when colleges started to diminish the teaching of Classics and began turning into glorified business schools. The problem was further accelerated when the hippy curriculum of psychology etc started to rise. All of the above is covered in the Classics, but in a more serious, holistic, and academic manner. The Higher Edu Act of 1964, part of Criminal LBJs Great Society Programs exacerbated the problems by introducing the student loan programs and thus allowing pretty much anybody to go to college.
The college system, started in the 11th-12th centuries, was designed to educate the elites and intellectuals, not to be a general education for the middle and business classes. College is meant to be for self-development, not to get a job.
Eliminating the federal student loan program, which is unconstitutional, would soon also eliminate the libtard colleges, which don't teach much of value anymore and really are a disgrace. Make libtards get real jobs and send more young adults into trade schools, trades and apprentice programs.
Eliminating the federal student loan programs would have almost immediate beneficial effects of winnowing out non-scholars and of shrinking and destroying many useless libtard schools.
I've dealt with all of these issues first-hand at both public and private universities on both coasts.